Females humping each other!?

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New member
Apr 30, 2012
Introduced our two females together, went through all the steps, but the girls keep attempting to hump each other and there's a lot of biting/nibbling. They're both sexed, so we're sure they're females, it's just really odd.

One's around 5, quite large. The other's not even a year yet, about half the size of the other. They're in a large cage together that's been wiped down, rearranged, etc.

Any ideas?
My guess is that one wants to dominate the another, so there's nothing to worry about. This is how they create hierarchy. Keep an eye on them, but don't interfere unless you see blood.
That can be a show of dominance, nibbling is grooming, as long as there is no biting or chasing with fur flying you are probly ok.