
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Dec 21, 2011
Hello all! I just officially joined the forums, but I have been lurking in the back for a while. My question regards bedding. I'm using kiln-dried pine shavings now for Elliette, but I want to switch her to a fabric if possible. I tried back tracking through some entries to see if there was anything on felt, but didn't spy anything. I know fleece is heavily used by many, but I have felt on hand at the moment and wondered if it would work? Thanks in advance :)
I would not use felt. The way felt is made is the strands of yarns are scrambled together, agitated, washed, and dried in order for them to mold together. More expensive felt I think is made by poking the strands through each other with needles (not 100% sure on the last one). Fleece is knit together. What I'm trying to say is that felt is MUCH easier for a chin to tear to shreds and invest multiple yarns, which will lead to intestinal problems/a very sick chin.

Stick with fleece, antipill fleece tois be exact. If you don't want to purchase it at the full price Joannes always has fleece in their remnants section that have been marked down, so check there first. If not I know they're doing a coupon commotion sale this week.
I was wondering what the difference was!

The remnants bin at Joannes is awesome, you can get some nice sizes too sometimes