Feed Change & weight loss ??

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Regarding changing your chins pellet.........how much of a weight loss over what period of time do you all consider changing the pellet again??

All of my chins except 2 have lost some weight since switching over to PRSC.
I would expect maybe a small loss and i will be tracking each month, but if i dont get them back to their higher weights do I consider changing feed again.

As a note.......they were all on Mazuri and i just felt they were wasting a lot, so I switched them all to PANR, everyone gained a bit, now switched to PRSC and all lost a bit.

I would leave them on the feed atleast a few months to aviod switching to much too fast. unless you are switching back to PANR then I would switch back ASAP.
i wish i could switch to PANR..........but they are the ones that stopped making it and switched to PRSC and since my boys have been on it, most of them have lost weight. but i will keep them on for 3 months and do a weight comparison and go from there.
i know a lot of people have had success with manna sho pro. and the feed store does sell that. they didnt like the oxbow (weirdos) and i felt they were wasting the mazuri.
anyway, i will wait it out and see if i get a weight boost.
How many different types of pellets have you had your chins on over the last 6-12 months & how much weight have they actually lost over what period of time?
I switched everyone from Mazuri to PANR last summer, the 4 I got in October were on Mazuri and switched them to PANR. Everyone gained weight on the PANR. Since Purina changed the formulation to the PRCS, all boys but 2 have lost weight. not a real lot but anywhere from 10 - 40 grams........the average being about 20. So basically they are back to what they were when they were on the mazuri.

The only exception is Klinger, he is and has always been small, i just cannot seem to get him to gain weight. He was 399 when he came to me, I got him as high as 450, i weighed him sunday night and he was only 416.

And Snickers who was separated from his cagemate, is down pretty significant.....in January he was 713g & sunday he was only 664g.

Strangely my chin with malo is the highest weight and continues to gain. go figure.

I am going to give it a full 3 or 4 months and see if they all even out.