Zoo Keeper
want to make sure I have this right...
Hay should be offered at all times(timothy and other grass hays should be the staple)
Pellets daily(I think I may use Oxbow)
Fresh water daily
After that I get a little confused. I believe twigs are considered a treat, right? So you shouldn't give twigs every day?
What about the wood coins and stuff I have seen. Are those considered treats or just chews?
Pumice and hanging toys are just considered toys and chew items, right?
Also is there some place to get branches that are chin safe wood. I was thinking of maybe utilizing one or two when I set my cage up.
Hay should be offered at all times(timothy and other grass hays should be the staple)
Pellets daily(I think I may use Oxbow)
Fresh water daily
After that I get a little confused. I believe twigs are considered a treat, right? So you shouldn't give twigs every day?
What about the wood coins and stuff I have seen. Are those considered treats or just chews?
Pumice and hanging toys are just considered toys and chew items, right?
Also is there some place to get branches that are chin safe wood. I was thinking of maybe utilizing one or two when I set my cage up.