Favorite Toys

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<---House beaver.
Jan 12, 2010
I've really only ever given Shelly apple wood, willow balls and lava rocks. I can't stand cleaning up the mess she makes out of the willow but she loves them. So my question to you is what do your kids love? I want to give her more/different toys to play with.
my boy also LOVES willow balls.. and loofah.. the two messiest things in the world. he also tears into cholla logs. his absolute favorite is pumice... my least favorite. the sound is like nails on a chalk board to me... but i let him get away with it :)
i really think they tend to enjoy things they have grown up on. my breeder gave them only cholla logs, and pumice... hence they are his favorite. he seems to get almost stressed out with the abundance of different toys/chews in his cage.
ohhh i forgot about the bagel slices!! the flavored popsicle sticks are a hit.. not so much for the plain ones.
although with the popsicle sticks... ive noticed how sharp and splintered they get around the edges...
although with the popsicle sticks... ive noticed how sharp and splintered they get around the edges...

Yep, I don't give them anymore because one of my boys actually cut his mouth on the popsicle sticks after they splintered.

The absolute number one favorite here is apple anything. Hanging toys, twigs, you name it. Another thing they love is grapevine wreaths.
Yep, I don't give them anymore because one of my boys actually cut his mouth on the popsicle sticks after they splintered.

good to know. thanks for the info! i only have half of one left, so it wont be too much of a waste!

I have no idea what she grew up with. I bought her from PetSmart before I knew any better.

well at least you know that she is definitely getting better treats from mom than petsmart! im sure she appreciates it!
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Yep, I don't give them anymore because one of my boys actually cut his mouth on the popsicle sticks after they splintered.

The absolute number one favorite here is apple anything. Hanging toys, twigs, you name it. Another thing they love is grapevine wreaths.

Good to know. I want to make sure she is happy and healthy
I buy a lot from Barbi at Pet Products By Nature, so Crash has gotten used to a heck of a variety of wood in a rather short lifetime (he's just about 3). His favorites are ocotillo, white willow (the chunkier the bark the better), pecan, and pumice.

I also collect willow and grape vine wood that grows organically in our yard and clean/bake it for him, besides ordering balls and wreaths from ForCHINate chins.

And then there's the rare but *adored* disposable bamboo chopstick. They're a rare treat because they're by far the messiest thing he has *ever* had access to, and there is a slight splinter risk, so I watch him carefully while he shreds the thing. They're a great distraction while weighing or if he's in the car.
Edgar also loves wood from Pet Products From Nature too but I've also gotten good stuff from Camphor Chins. Edgar seems to have a liking for cottonwood, ocotillo and cholla logs. He also seems to enjoy pumice but I guess thankfully he chews it when we are out of his room. All of his toys are now refillable so whenever on looks ragged I just removed the used parts and add more.

I almost forgot that apple sticks are his favorite but I need to find some within California that looks good. This may be good as we have found a couple little spears Edgar's made so it prevents a revolt ;)
my chin is super picky! he didn't get toys until I got him at 8-12 months of age. he LOVES twigs and twiglets. he doesn't like thick pieces of wood (like whirlies), loofah or pumice, but coins with a thick bark, like pecan or willow, are his favourite. I've been looking at new toys to get him lately but he's so picky... if he doesn't like it he just throws it out of his cage.
My boys have LOVED ALL hanging toys no matter who I get them from (camphorchins, petproductsbynature, staceywolf, rcr, etc. Cat75 used to make some awesome apple wood hanging toys and my boys do miss them.
Bitty Bagels! I don't get them often but my chins go nuts for them when I do.
Also, those thin pine shapes, (hearts, stars, maple leaves) you can get them from most toy places. They bite off tiny chunks at a time and can demolish one in just a few minutes. They love those.
Other than those two exceptions, we stick to mostly wood from Sally. Whirlies for the hanging toys and sticks and twigs for the toy box.
my boys like the lava landings (2 to a pack), bitty bagels, some like the pumice stones, most like loofah slices, all like apple wood sticks and willow coins.
also when making shelves, if we have extra we make pine blocks which they tear thru like woodchucks!
Anything Tia can shred, Tia loves. Those bamboo hats are a huge hit with her, so is anything made of willow (stars, balls, what-have-you). She likes pumice too, and loves cottonwood and mulberry. She doesn't seem to like ocotillo though... she'll chew it if it's the only thing there, but that's it.

She doesn't like loofah though!!