Eye problems with Blue Sparkle

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Isabella Whateva

Well-known member
May 18, 2009
hey guys
Blue Sparkle has been giving my girl eye irritation. Do you think switching to Blue Cloud would solve this? Or would dustier dust just be the same/worse? Which brand would be the best for her? Thanks
I had a similar problem with blue cloud for klinger, I actually switched to PDZ for just him & it seems to have cleared up. Try a couple dusts and see what works best for your chin.
Thank you! I'm really hoping this works. She's been mad at me for holding off on the baths :p

Thanks Michelle. I think I'm gonna give PDZ a try if Cloud doesn't help
Just wanted to post an update!
I bought some Blue Cloud and so far it seems to be working great! I've been taking it slow. I've had it for a week and only used it twice, since I want to watch carefully for irritation. Her eye seems to be perfectly fine, where as with Sparkle it would be clearly irritated immediately after dusting.
Thanks everyone for your help!!!