Eye problem.

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Isabella Whateva

Well-known member
May 18, 2009
So my chin's left eye is a little weird. I've noticed for a while that the fur is a little different there, but it's recently been even more noticeable. Her fur kind of lies flat there, like it was wet BUT I don't see any actual wetness. Her eye doesn't look particularly runny or irritated.

I was thinking it could be her dust. I recently switched from Kaytee to Blue Sparkle. I've noticed the shiney sparkle bits of Blue Sparkle everywhere, could that be causing irritation? The only other change is that I've put a litter pan in the corner of her cage with some kiln dried aspen bedding. (the bedding has always been in the slide-out tray, but now is the first time she can really access it in a large amount)

Here are some pictures. Any advice at all will be greatly appreciated:
(All these pictures are full-sized so that you can zoom in on her eye)
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e136/isabellawhateva/banill/IMG_1095.jpg?t=1274306628 <- this one is of her "problem eye" earlier this month. nothing noticeable here

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e136/isabellawhateva/banill/IMG_1197.jpg?t=1274306766 <- the "good" eye

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e136/isabellawhateva/banill/IMG_1193.jpg?t=1274306794 <- closeup of bad eye

http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e136/isabellawhateva/banill/IMG_1196.jpg?t=1274306819 <- you can see a little bit of redness here that I didn't notice before

More angles of the bad eye:


Please help, I'm worried :(
Oh yeah and she's also been scratching a lot more lately, especially on her belly. That's what's got me thinking it might be the dust.

We give her a dust bath about 3-4 times a week. I'll stop doing it for a while to see if anything improves.
It definitely looks like something may be cropping up there. Usually when their fur gets like that, it's because the eye is watering and they are scratching the eye, making the fur lay down in that fashion. I would definitely lessen the amount of dust baths and see if that helps the eye improve. If it starts swelling or goop starts showing up, it could be an infection cropping up.
How long do you think I should wait to see if it gets better? Like "If it's not better in x amount of time, go see a vet"
Okay sure will. Any idea how much it costs for a chin to see the vet? (Assuming that everything is a-okay?)
I want to set some money aside just in case
Also make sure you wash your hands and arms before and after handling her.

If you do take her to the vet and they want to give you meds in the form of ointment, I can tell you that the drops are easier to get into their eyes than the ointment, and a lot less messy.