Eye Gel

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
New Jersey
Went back to the vet for different eye medication and they gave me a gel- I attempted to use it tonight and I don't think much got in the eye. Other than a burrito any other tips to get it in the eye and to stay there? Thanks.
What I do is I place the chinchillas hind legs against my chest with my palm against the back of the chin's head and forefinger and thumb wrapping around the head/neck to come together right under the lower jaw. This leaves one hand free to direct the medication. Eye gel is very potent medication, so you don't need to get a whole lot in there...probably only about an 1/8th of an inch. I also use a little bit of the gel to smooth the hair away from the eye...it helps in keeping irritants away and out of the eye. Good luck!
I tried the ointment and couldn't do it. My vet had to give me drops. You have to put them in more frequently, but it's a lot easier!
Laffy had that same problem too. He moved too much. Just get another person to help you out in it. it is much easier that way. Using drops is much easier then gels tho. Except it gets wet around his eye area. but its all fine. So don't worry! :)
Thanks for the tips guys! I'm gonna have to try it again here in the next hour or so- hopefully it will go a little smoother this time and she won't be so mad at me! haha