exercise balls?

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I have read many books and articles that say that putting your hedgehog in one of those hamster balls for exercise is dangerous. It is said they can get a foot caught in them and even amputate a foot.
I have seen a lot of people post about how much their hedgies love them and the fact they use them and there are no problems.
I don't think I could let my baby use one for the fears she could get hurt, but does anyone use them or have any comments about this?
But there is also the fact that they urinate and poop on the ball and all that will fall on the poor hedgie, and with poor ventilation of the ball, it's gonna smell awfull in there. I think it's way more simpler to make a playpen and let him loose (with supervision of course) in it. Honestly, I don't even think it's good for any animal that kind of ball.
I have one for Sonic and I rarely have her use it. We have a little pool we can put her in now to run around [but we gotta watch her, she loves to climb outta it] that's easy to clean when she poops/pees in it. I have all carpeting in the house so I don't like her going on the floor. But when we did put her in the ball, she loved running around in it. It's too small for her now that she's grown bigger, but I think she liked it.
My knowledge extends as far as the previous posters.
I personally wouldn't risk such a thing, Carmen is my baby.

After cleaning the bathtub, I let her roam it. This way, I can watch her and clean her messes without fear of injuries or illness.

Though, I plan to let her walk around on the floor soon, perhaps I'm paranoid that she may get hurt.