Excessively chewing on bars

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
I think I posted this question before but it is getting bad.
Delilah is seriously trying to chew her way out of her cage all the time!

She gets at least an hour or more of playtime every night with the occassional night being skipped. I have plenty of chew twigs and wood toys for her, she has a wheel and her fleece items.

If she is awake for most of the time she is chewing on the bars, when I say chewing I mean going crazy, if I get up and walk past her cage she climbs the cage trying to get out. I try to redirect her with wood and petting my it does not work.

Does she maybe need a larger cage? The one I have her in now is 24" x 24" x 4ft high. I thought that gave her plenty of room to enjoy her cage.

Anyone else have such an excessive bar chewer?
I feel bad for her, it is like I neglect her and she never gets out but I really don't!
My Lola likes to chew the bars, its not too bad but i know you feel guilty when they have to go back in after playtime. I have made some toys for my chinnies that i can tie onto the cage using sisal and i put them where they chew the bars, it seems to of worked for me, i think Lola is annoyed they are there because she cant chew the bars but at least this way shes doing some good to her teeth destroying the toys :D.
I read this thread yesterday, since I have a bar chewer, and then I went ahead and threaded some Palm Leaf Shredders through the part of the cage that she tries to escape from. The difference was instantaneous. She would hop on the ledge, look around, try to grasp a bar, and then hop off in defeat. She did this several times, lol, and each time I thought, "Chinnie Fail."

They are so particular about things, which I guess is good because it's pretty easy to discourage a behavior.
my one male chews the bars expecaly. Iv noticed that he does it alwyas when hes worked up (naturaly) and its usualy always over the girls in the other cage. Even tho he cant see them he knows their there. So i would imagin something specific has got your chins attention, and he wants at it. or jsut beyond hyper'