Essentials for life hand feeding formula

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2009
South Dakota
I just wanted to take a minute to get the word out on what I feel is just an incredible product. Tanya, a member here, has developed this product in conjunction with I believe a holistic vet, and they have a winner as far as I am concerned.

Ever since I used PenPals, it seems like I've not been able to get certain chins weight back up to where they used to be. Because of this, I've been hand feeding. I've spent a small fortune on Critical Care with no results other than just keeping them at a steady weight and alive.

Tanya asked me to try Essentials for Life and I was hesitant. I'm really leary of trying anything new on the chins, since both times I did (with a feed change and a supplement) I've ended up with disastrous results. I finally caved and tried the EFL on Dannie, a girl I've been hand feeding for a year after a really difficult birth that she never came back from. There has been absolutely no change on Critical Care, other than to maintain weight. Every time I take her out of the cage for hand feeding, it's like holding a puff of air. After a week's worth of the EFL, I picked her up and thought - huh, I FEEL something here! I did a quick weight check on her and she's up 20 gm! After a year of nothing, I'll take that 20 gm and run with it. I'm really hopeful now that she will continue to gain. If nothing else, she seems to have a higher energy level than she did and just grabs onto the syringe and sucks down the EFL. I was having to constantly cajole her to eat the CC, but I'm seeing a huge difference with the EFL.

So, if you have a chin that isn't all that interested in the CC, you might want to give this a try. Or if you've had a chin on CC for a while now and they seem to be losing interest, maybe some EFL will spark it again. I'm going to try it on my other last two weight loss chins after the PenPals and see if it makes a difference for them as well. Just the smell alone when you open the bag would, I think, entice a chin to eat again.

Here is a link to the food replacement:

I've also tried this supplement: and the boy I tried it on just chows it down. I can't really do it for the whole herd, so I'm using it on the chins that I think really need it. I may try a couple of the other supplements as well as the need arises.

Anyway - take a look. I am so pleased with Dannie's progress. Keep your fingers crossed she keeps gaining and improving.

ETA: This is MY opinion, of a product I tried and am happy with. This comes from Tunes, not CnH. :)
It would be worth it if it works, but the pricetag makes me a bit hesitant. $26.99 for 16 oz. of CC or $32 for 9.35 oz for the EFL. I would probably try CC and/or Lifeline first.
Like I said, it would just depend on the scenario. With a girl like yours, if it makes all the difference in the world, then that's wonderful.
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I ordered both, I always have LL and CC on hand but will try the EFL for palatibility on the two chins who refuse both CC and LL, the others think both are crack. I personally make sure I find a food replacment formula that each healthy chin thinks is tasty, it makes it much easier to administer when they are ill or in pain.
Thanks for the info.......Tanya has always given me excellent advice on herbal remedies & I trust her opinion.
I'm so happy that Dannie has gained weight! :))
I hope she keeps improving!
I ordered some of the EFL syringe feed and the broad spectrum supplement. I have a couple chinnies here who I took in last fall that are underweight and although they eat quite a bit, they just aren't putting on any weight. Quite frankly, bony chins scare me because if they ever become ill, they have no "buffer weight" and any weight they lose could be extremely detrimental.
I got my order of Organic Nature's Broad Spectrum Supplement, and wow did my girls go crazy for it! You would have thought I had brought a chocolate cake to chocolate aholics meeting or something!

Great porduct Tanya, thanks! :thumbsup:
Thank you for the information, I can have more coice for my chinchilla, I am feeding my chins some herbs as treats and believe that's much more healthy than dried fruits, we have less choice here so it's essential to know where to buy different kinds of herbs:thumbsup: