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Jul 29, 2011
My chin is 2months old, and still very small. I bought him a caget that I thought was appropriate, its made for them and i consulted multiple people about it. But my little Reepicheep has escaped the last 2 nights. I am just wondering when will he be to big to squeeze throught he bars?! I have seen both his parents and I know they wouldnt be able to fit...but I have a pitbull and siberian husky downstairs and for his safety I would like to know how long it will be before he cant squeeze his little head through and how to stop it in the meantime. emails are appreciated!!!

[email protected]
You will either need to get a different cage with 1/2 x 1 inch openings or you'll need to wrap the cage in hardware cloth until he's too big to squeeze through the bars. There's no way to know when that will be as different chins grow at different rates.
They are nuts about escaping, my normal sized adult boys can get through a 1-1/2inch by 5 inch verticle bars. I have to keep it wrapped in hardware cloth like Tunes said.
all of my babies have excaped from their cage (1inch bars) and its almsot been the downfail of em all. I cant stress enough that you need to do something and fast to make sure they cant excape. Even when i covered msot of their cage so they couldnt get out, they then learned to climb the cage high enough to get over the covering and then squeeze out. Their very craft pets when it comes to getting out.

Theirs no way to tell exactly when they wont be able to get out any more. But i can say theirs looks can be deceiveing. Many a times iv thought 'theirs no way now' and i was sorly mistaken. So do be carefull!
Where can I find this "hardware cloth"
I was just thinking of adding my own bars to it so the openings are smaller.
Last night I just used cardboard at the bottom,where he tried to escape from right infront of me. And that stopped him for the night. though I did see him try and climb over the carboard to get out.

Also both of his parents are about 2 years old and I don't believe they could fit through.
Awesome! I was going to go to the hardware store in town today anyways.
Hope that it works cause he is pretty fast, and very hard to catch. I also believe that these 3am incounters together are having an effect on his trust for me. I have had him 2 nights, and both nights he has escaped.
Last night I just used cardboard at the bottom,where he tried to escape from right infront of me. And that stopped him for the night. though I did see him try and climb over the carboard to get out.

You need to wrap the entire cage, even the top. Kits have been known to climb to the top and escape through it.

Beleive me.. thats an understatment. When my two kits were born back in feb, they were masters at excaping. I to had to use cardboard up against the edges to stop them, (as i had no other resaurces to get anything else), but that only last all of like 5 mins lol. They climbed to the top of that half of the FN cage they were in, and right over top of the cardboard.

Tho ill admite... its amazing watching them climb

I ended up being forced to cover all four side of the cage in cardboard. And taking the tray off the roof to give air circulation. (they all seperated to bottem half of FN cage at the time) It wasnt an ideal soultion, but i didnt have any choice at the time. Their some crafty animals...