Escape Artist

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
Lady and I had a BLAST during play time last night :) She now trusts me enough to jump into my lap, and she even started grooming my foot (all my chins love feet for some reason?)

She is currently quarentined in my bedroom (1 more week to go!) and I've sectioned off a corner "play pen" made of fleece for playtime. after sitting in there with her I climbed out of the play pen and started folding laundry. I heard a soft thump and turned around in time to see a chinnie tail dissapear into my closet. :wacko: Luckily there is nothing in my room for her to get hurt on. I was mostly just annoyed about having to chase her down and pick up poop from ALL OVER. I'm going to have to get creative for playtime tonight. Anyways she is now fasinated with escaping, I put her back into the pen and watched her do it. She jumps straight from the ground and clears the top of her play pen by several inches. I got out my tape measurer and figured out that she can jump roughly 4ft straight up in the air!! Has anyone else ever measured how high their chin can jump?
Thats how my chins are. If the door is open, its escape time! Luckily I have become a pro and what my boyfriend and I call "Chin Wrangling" (He is in Rodeo, my boyfriend that is lol) and we make a game out of it, and so do the chins. Its really fun..

And yeah my chins like me feet too. So odd.

Once my Valentine jumped 5 feet from the floor to the top of the playpen. I know how to use a cover..silly chins.
haha oh geez sounds like a smart girl! the other day my boyfriend and i were working on the boys cage and doing a hardcore vacuuming in my room so we had them in the back hallway of my house with all the doors closed and a gate that you would use for babies or dogs at the end of the hallway. they were both not having it! but i figured since the gate is about three feet high they definitely couldnt jump OVER it..well i was wrong! my sneaky little boy Indy kept standing up to test if he could do it and finally we're both sitting in my room and i see indy on the other side of the gate! he was looking around amazed with himself haha :wacko:
That is exactly why I can't use the $50.00 play pen I bought from Babys R Us - I got to use it twice - the second time, little Superman immediately "lept tall buildings with a single bound". Oh well, at least for now we can use it to block off his living room for play time but I fully expect that won't last much longer. :banghead:
Tubby is one daredevil jumper & an escape artist. He can clear the height of the playpen easily. It's taken him practice though. He also likes to jump from the window sill to my desk, which has about a 40-inch gap in between, and he doesn't fail.
I remember when I first got Chi Chi I used a wooden doggie gate to block the door so that she couldn't jump out of the room....I thought it was good because she was not able to squeeze between the bars, well, it wasn't long until she figured out how to jump I bought a 2nd gate and stacked them one on top of the other.....well, she couldn't jump it, however, I quickly learned that I had to make sure the adjustment bars were located on the side facing outside of the room...that little daredevil figured out how to jump onto those and then jump over the I swear I would her her giggle as she was clearing the top of the
I used to block off the entrance to our kitchen and use it for playtime. I learned then that if they really want to they can clear the cabinets and reach the counter(about 36").
This is why I just bought a 48" dog exercise pen instead of the laughable 29" small pet pen. I'm going to add some hardare cloth to make it safe and we will be good to go.