Electrical Burns Around Mouth

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Hello all,

My chinchilla Bumpy Trot suffered extensive burns to his mouth after chewing through a vacuum cleaner cord while he was being looked after at my mother's over the weekend. Discovered the injuries Monday night (didn't know they were burns at the time, they were essentially hardened areas in the corners of his mouth, thought it was matted fur/food/dust that somehow got stuck), called nearly every emergency clinic in Southern California only to find no one on call was qualified to treat chinchillas. Went to the vet first thing yesterday morning and found out they were burns. Looks terrible, but the vet seemed optimistic and feels he'll recover. Still, I'm extremely worried and though I've been a chin owner for the past five years, I'm really not familiar with this type of situation.

Came home with Bupren, trimethoprim/sulfadiazine antibiotic, and ChlorhexiDerm flush for cleaning around the mouth.

He's holding steady at 630g, but his normal weight is about 760-800g. Can't eat pellets (too hard), but is able to eat hay, so I've put out alfalfa, timothy, and orchard grass. I'm going to start supplementing with Critical Care today.

Honestly, it seems like he's lucky to be alive. We've never had an accident, not even a snagged toe, and despite the fact he's horribly frazzled from being burrito-ed so often, he's in good spirits. Though, his fur is a mess.

The vet didn't seem phased, but I'm so very worried that these burns are going to get infected or heal poorly.

Does anyone have any thoughts or advice?

Yes, I read through that thread.

I'm not really qualified to state whether or not the burns are severe, but if I took and posted pictures, it would really upset some folks. It's not a pretty site. Even his bottom teeth have a tiny singed spot.

I mixed up a bit of CC with water shortly after posting and he was happy to have it.

I will take your advice and read up more on hand-feeding, he's not used to being handled this much, so he's getting a bit skittish when I approach the cage.
Wow, it sounds pretty bad..

I don't have any experience with this, but be sure and keep an eye on him. I know Stacie lost one of her boys after a couple days, so he's not out of the woods yet.
I think you should post pics with a warning first, I'd hate to see it but it's good to learn. Don't worry, There are a lot of people that are very experienced on here and I'm sure they can help you.
I don't know if this type of injury would call for lifeline or not. I say it doesn't hurt. Dawnna's herbs are a godsend. You can reach her through chocolatechinchillas.com. And yes, Stacie's Neeko died from this very thing a few days after the electrical shock, so keep a very close eye on him, which I'm sure you are already doing. I hope he's recovery is quick.
Positive healing thoughts being sent your way!
Once they start on CC, it is often possible to stop with the burrito. Just try holding him while feeding. Or even feeding through the bars might work. Good luck.
I agree with Laurie, the Life Line is a good thing to buy for this chin. It will help with all that stress and help to soothe the chin's digestive tract...and chins love that stuff and it's easy for them to eat. Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about the burns becoming infected at this point. It's scabbed over and the healing has begun.

Make sure that this chin is drinking and eating. That's all you can do. Chinchillas heal very quickly, so in a couple weeks the poor little darling should be much, much better. :) I'm just so glad to hear that the chin has made it through this so far. It could have been far worse.

I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. Things like this are just so shocking (poor word choice?) and stressful to both the chin and the chin's human.
I'm just wondering if the cord was plugged into a GFI outlet if it would have burned at all - they're supposed to "POP" within 1/5 of a second to eliminate any injury!?!
Anyone had experience with one?
Hope he'll be O.K.!
Alli713, I'm hoping he's over the worst of it. Classes have yet to start for the semester (I'm a college student) so I have all the time in the world to look after him. I only own two chinchillas, and they're not housed together.

addictedtochins, I'm not sure I'll take or post pictures unless someone out there is interested in seeing the damage. :\ I don't imagine many chinchillas survive this type of accident.

Lan63, thank you for the link. I e-mailed Dawnna immediately after and she messaged me back very quickly saying she'd also be happy to include her meal replacement for free along with the Lifeline. Hopefully it will arrive soon.

Parkerspetchins, thank you so much. I truly appreciate it and I'm sure Bumpy does as well.

NOLA Chins, I hate this burrito business. He just hates it, but for the pain medicine and antibiotics, I'm not sure there's any other way to do it. He is happily accepting critical care "biscuits" I've mixed into a dough consistency. Hopefully feeding him out of my hand will help offset the trauma of being wrapped up and force-fed the meds.

AZChins, ;) thanks for that, I giggled a bit. And it's so nice to hear that chins heal quickly and that the burns are not likely to get infected since they've scabbed up. I am very, very surprised the initial shock did not kill him. Very lucky guy, I think.

, I wish the cord had been plugged into that type of outlet. Or better yet, not plugged in at all and somewhere far away from the cage.
Just on a side not I work at night at a 24 hour vet hopsital. Our night docs arent exotics spec. normally BUT we can see and treat what comes through the doors.
Believe me we've had everything from small turtles to a 350lb pig!
Send me a PM if you want our number.
We could have at least seen him that night and possible gave some o2 if needed and meds.

We sadly had a chinchilla a couple of nights ago who took a bite out of a cord. He was unable to use his hind end. His gential area was fussed to the side of his leg. It was very sad to see. The owner ended up putting him to sleep. Sad he was 9 months old and a TOTAL sweetheart!
Just on a side not I work at night at a 24 hour vet hopsital. Our night docs arent exotics spec. normally BUT we can see and treat what comes through the doors.
Believe me we've had everything from small turtles to a 350lb pig!
Send me a PM if you want our number.
We could have at least seen him that night and possible gave some o2 if needed and meds.

We sadly had a chinchilla a couple of nights ago who took a bite out of a cord. He was unable to use his hind end. His gential area was fussed to the side of his leg. It was very sad to see. The owner ended up putting him to sleep. Sad he was 9 months old and a TOTAL sweetheart!

Gosh. I'm so sorry to hear such a sweetie had to go through that at all. Poor thing...

Whereabouts in CA is your vet located?
But how is Bumpy Trot?? Did he make it or has he passed??

HE MADE IT! Despite how hard he tried to fight against having his meds administered, he has definitely made it out of the woods. The largest scab fell off last week and he was back to eating pellets two weeks ago wednesday. The lifeline really helped... He wasn't terribly fond of critical care but he gobbled (as well as he was able to, anyway) up the lifeline mush I'd make him.

However, he still holds his mouth open a bit. I bet he's still very sore, as those were truly some awful burns.

I hope other chinchillas can be as lucky as Bumpy.

Thanks so much for asking. ;) I appreciate it!