Edstrom Water Bottles

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
Northeast US
Not sure if this is in the appropriate section, but here goes.

I currently have a superpet glass bottle in Chloe's cage and every time I clean it, which is every day, it takes longer and longer for the vacuum to form. So it leaks for a minute or so when I put it in and I'm left having to sit with the cage door open, napkin in hand holding it under the bottle to catch the leaking water so it won't make the bedding wet.

I have another plastic ball/vacuum bottle but I like the glass one. I also have an Edstrom bottle that I love (but is plastic). I know the valve and nozzle are brass. I think brass is copper and zinc. Could Chloe suffer from the zinc (and maybe copper) toxicity of this?
If you used the Edstrom's bottle you need to get a shield guard, otherwise the chin will eat the plastic. I have been using these for years. I don't think the valve is a problem but I'm not sure on that.
All nozzles are brass and/or zinc and have been for as long as folks have been raising chinchillas.

I've got some that are worn down so far that there is a hole in the bottom. Never heard of a case of poisoning, but then again it could be that nobody noticed nor cared. The length of time a pet chin lives is considerably longer than one in a ranch situation.

It's a good question!