December 5, 2009
Judges: Gene Adcock and Brenda Walter
Place LaQuinta Inn, 800 S. Meridian, Oklahoma City
$71.10 ECBC room rate if booked early.
1 405 942-0040
Directions Located on the southeast corner of the intersection
of I-40 and Meridian in Oklahoma City.
Schedule Setup will begin Friday at 4 p.m. Registration from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday morning entry and grooming must be
completed by 8:45 a.m.
Judging begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Saturday.
Type of Show 10 Class Standard Live Animal/Mutation Live Animal.
ECBC Show rules apply. It will be a registry show
Awards Trophies will be given for Standard and Mutation
Grand Show Champions and Reserve Champions, standard and mutation first, second, and third place breeder awards, and standard and mutation first place junior breeder awards. All other awards will be certificates.
Entry fee $5.00 per animal. (Limit of 20 animals per string)
Food Lunch of sandwiches, chips, side dishes, drinks, and
dessert will be provided on site for your convenience.
Donations will be gratefully accepted to cover the
cost of lunch.
Pizza party will take place after the completion of the
judging. ($4 per person fee for pizza) Clean up will
begin immediately following pizza party.
Special events 50/50 drawing, silent auction. $50 minimum. 10% of purchase price will be retained by the OK branch.
Show chairman: Bill Hatfield (918)452-2130