Kansas City Chinchillas
Empress Chinchilla Breeders Cooperative
2010 Annual Meeting
November 5-7, 2010
Hosted by Colorado Branch
LaQuinta Inn, 1-970-493-7800
3709 E. Mulberry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Mark your calendar and plan to attend!
November 5 – Hospitality, ECBC Judges Session
November 6 – Delegate Meeting, Seminars, Pelt Buy, Banquet
November 7 – Seminars, Board Meeting
Chinchillas Common Health Problems, Christoph Mans, DVM, University of Wisconsin Special Species Service. Dr. Mans will discuss disorders pertaining to eyes, ears, feet, fur, urinary, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and neurological.
Additional topics include dental disease, infectious diseases, fractures, and fatty liver/ketosis.
Pelts Before and After Dressing, Pete Kiseskey, Parowan UT.
Pete will discuss preparing pelts (fleshing, stretching, pinning) and packaging pelts for the dressing plant. He will give you advice on taking care of and storing pelts before and after dressing. Then he will give you an overview
of the pelt dressing process.
Educational Dressed/Combined Pelt Show Workshop, Judge Brent Poley assisted by sanctioned and trainee judges.
Maximum 10 pelts per ranch, 100 pelt show workshop. No awards – this is not a sanctioned show. Attention: young ranchers bring your pelts for the pelt
show workshop! Experts will be available to help you groom pelts and pin pelts to pelt boards.
Pelt Buy and Evaluating Dressed Pelts, Brent Poley, Canada.
During the pelt buy, Brent will discuss pelt quality, what influences pelt quality and pelt price, how to determine show quality pelts.
Judging Seminar, Roger Clark, Crawford CO. Meeting attendees have an opportunity to learn how live animal and pelt shows are judged.
Watch for details on additional seminars in the next issue of the Empress Chinchilla Breeder.
LaQuinta, 1-970-493-7800, mention Empress Chinchilla Meeting, group 274, for special room rate, $55.
The room block will be released October 22, 2010. Make your reservations early!
LaQuinta is located 1 block west of I-25 on the south side of Hwy. 14 (also known as Mulberry
Street). Use I-25 exit 269B. West of the overpass, turn left onto the frontage road and drive
west to enter the hotel lot.
Meeting CoCohairs: Beitz and Suhr
Questions to [email protected] , 970-330-9140 (John) or 970-482-1834 (Maynard)
Empress Chinchilla Breeders Cooperative
2010 Annual Meeting
November 5-7, 2010
Hosted by Colorado Branch
LaQuinta Inn, 1-970-493-7800
3709 E. Mulberry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Get your directory listing and ads in
for the Meeting Program Book!
Friday -November 5, 2010
4:00-6:00pm Setup (Bordeaux II Room)
6:00-10:00pm Hospitality
7:00-9:00pm Registration
7:00-9:00pm Judges and Judge Trainees (Closed Session)
Saturday -November 6, 2010
7:00-8:30am Pelt Grooming
7:30-8:30am Registration
8:30-10:30am Delegates Meeting (Bordeaux II Room)
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-noon Common Health Problems, Dr. Christoph Mans, University of Wisconsin
noon-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-1:45pm Common Health Problems continued, Dr. Christoph Mans, Univ. of Wisconsin
1:45-2:30pm Pelts Before and After Dressing, Pete Kiseskey
2:30-2:30 pm Snack Break
2:30-4:30pm Educational Dressed/Combined Pelt Show Workshop, Judge Brent Poley
4:30-6:00pm Pelt Buy and Evaluating Dressed Pelts, Brent Poley
6:30pm Mixer
7:00-8:30pm Banquet* (BBQ Buffet – beef brisket, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dessert)
(*menu could change if there is a restaurant in hotel)
(Drawings-Live Animals, Teddy Bear, Door Prizes,)
8:30-10:00pm Pelt Buy continues
Sunday – November 7, 2010
8:30-9:30am seminar
9:30-11:00 Judging Seminar -live animals and pelts, Roger Clark
11:00-noon Lunch
noon-4:00pm National Board Meeting
noon-5:00pm Teardown
2010 Annual Meeting
November 5-7, 2010
Hosted by Colorado Branch
LaQuinta Inn, 1-970-493-7800
3709 E. Mulberry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Mark your calendar and plan to attend!
November 5 – Hospitality, ECBC Judges Session
November 6 – Delegate Meeting, Seminars, Pelt Buy, Banquet
November 7 – Seminars, Board Meeting
Chinchillas Common Health Problems, Christoph Mans, DVM, University of Wisconsin Special Species Service. Dr. Mans will discuss disorders pertaining to eyes, ears, feet, fur, urinary, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and neurological.
Additional topics include dental disease, infectious diseases, fractures, and fatty liver/ketosis.
Pelts Before and After Dressing, Pete Kiseskey, Parowan UT.
Pete will discuss preparing pelts (fleshing, stretching, pinning) and packaging pelts for the dressing plant. He will give you advice on taking care of and storing pelts before and after dressing. Then he will give you an overview
of the pelt dressing process.
Educational Dressed/Combined Pelt Show Workshop, Judge Brent Poley assisted by sanctioned and trainee judges.
Maximum 10 pelts per ranch, 100 pelt show workshop. No awards – this is not a sanctioned show. Attention: young ranchers bring your pelts for the pelt
show workshop! Experts will be available to help you groom pelts and pin pelts to pelt boards.
Pelt Buy and Evaluating Dressed Pelts, Brent Poley, Canada.
During the pelt buy, Brent will discuss pelt quality, what influences pelt quality and pelt price, how to determine show quality pelts.
Judging Seminar, Roger Clark, Crawford CO. Meeting attendees have an opportunity to learn how live animal and pelt shows are judged.
Watch for details on additional seminars in the next issue of the Empress Chinchilla Breeder.
LaQuinta, 1-970-493-7800, mention Empress Chinchilla Meeting, group 274, for special room rate, $55.
The room block will be released October 22, 2010. Make your reservations early!
LaQuinta is located 1 block west of I-25 on the south side of Hwy. 14 (also known as Mulberry
Street). Use I-25 exit 269B. West of the overpass, turn left onto the frontage road and drive
west to enter the hotel lot.
Meeting CoCohairs: Beitz and Suhr
Questions to [email protected] , 970-330-9140 (John) or 970-482-1834 (Maynard)
Empress Chinchilla Breeders Cooperative
2010 Annual Meeting
November 5-7, 2010
Hosted by Colorado Branch
LaQuinta Inn, 1-970-493-7800
3709 E. Mulberry Street
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Get your directory listing and ads in
for the Meeting Program Book!
Friday -November 5, 2010
4:00-6:00pm Setup (Bordeaux II Room)
6:00-10:00pm Hospitality
7:00-9:00pm Registration
7:00-9:00pm Judges and Judge Trainees (Closed Session)
Saturday -November 6, 2010
7:00-8:30am Pelt Grooming
7:30-8:30am Registration
8:30-10:30am Delegates Meeting (Bordeaux II Room)
10:30-10:45am Break
10:45-noon Common Health Problems, Dr. Christoph Mans, University of Wisconsin
noon-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-1:45pm Common Health Problems continued, Dr. Christoph Mans, Univ. of Wisconsin
1:45-2:30pm Pelts Before and After Dressing, Pete Kiseskey
2:30-2:30 pm Snack Break
2:30-4:30pm Educational Dressed/Combined Pelt Show Workshop, Judge Brent Poley
4:30-6:00pm Pelt Buy and Evaluating Dressed Pelts, Brent Poley
6:30pm Mixer
7:00-8:30pm Banquet* (BBQ Buffet – beef brisket, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, dessert)
(*menu could change if there is a restaurant in hotel)
(Drawings-Live Animals, Teddy Bear, Door Prizes,)
8:30-10:00pm Pelt Buy continues
Sunday – November 7, 2010
8:30-9:30am seminar
9:30-11:00 Judging Seminar -live animals and pelts, Roger Clark
11:00-noon Lunch
noon-4:00pm National Board Meeting
noon-5:00pm Teardown