non-stop poop sweeper
I have NOT been able to get good weights on these 2 tazmanian devils and I had to enlist the help of
the ENTIRE family as it's been bugging me since Ash asked about Ebony a few days ago, thanks Ash!
They have never been given any treats. Their diet is strictly oxbow pellets, hay and hay cubes. I guess you
could consider woodchews, willowballs & bamboo shredders as treats because they sure seem to believe they are.
Ebony is the youngest at 5 months old - 538 grams
Ivory is 6 months old and weighs - 606 grams
Ebony, check out my manboobs!
Mmmm so good!
Ivory, the original Sno Ball snack cake!
the ENTIRE family as it's been bugging me since Ash asked about Ebony a few days ago, thanks Ash!
They have never been given any treats. Their diet is strictly oxbow pellets, hay and hay cubes. I guess you
could consider woodchews, willowballs & bamboo shredders as treats because they sure seem to believe they are.
Ebony is the youngest at 5 months old - 538 grams
Ivory is 6 months old and weighs - 606 grams
Ebony, check out my manboobs!
Mmmm so good!
Ivory, the original Sno Ball snack cake!