Ebony and Ivory, oh my how we've grown!

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
I have NOT been able to get good weights on these 2 tazmanian devils and I had to enlist the help of
the ENTIRE family as it's been bugging me since Ash asked about Ebony a few days ago, thanks Ash!
They have never been given any treats. Their diet is strictly oxbow pellets, hay and hay cubes. I guess you
could consider woodchews, willowballs & bamboo shredders as treats because they sure seem to believe they are.

Ebony is the youngest at 5 months old - 538 grams
Ivory is 6 months old and weighs - 606 grams

Ebony, check out my manboobs!


Mmmm so good!


Ivory, the original Sno Ball snack cake!



Um, boys will be boys?



No, I got you...


now I got me....


how bout a kiss, then?


Wow!!! Beautiful photos of your handsome boys! They look just a bit spoiled! :)

I ordered a couple of corner feeding shelves from Simply Chintastic- seeing yours, I can't wait to get mine...
Aww soo cute!

Would these by chance be named after the song Ebony and Ivory by Paul McCartney?

Wow!!! Beautiful photos of your handsome boys! They look just a bit spoiled! :)

I ordered a couple of corner feeding shelves from Simply Chintastic- seeing yours, I can't wait to get mine...

Thanks Nikki! I LOVE simply chintastics stuff, definitely worth the wait!

Aww soo cute!

Would these by chance be named after the song Ebony and Ivory by Paul McCartney?


Thanks, and yes about the song. Funny thing is I thought Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson sang the duet BUT much later I found out it was Paul and Stevie Wonder, oh well.
Nonetheless about the song, the names fit perfectly!

And Paul and MJ did The girl is mine and say say say together so its easily confused :)
Holy crud, Eb's HUGE! I'll have to tell his little sister she needs to catch up! That really gives me hope for her on getting bigger, though! They look GORGEOUS Sandi! But really, the chin pr0n? LOL
Sandi, your chins are gorgeous!!!
I love the pic "No, I got you...", soooo sweet!
Oh there's my nephew Baby J! He is SO cute! They boys look great! But they have a super chin mom so you know they are great!
Oh wow, thanks everybody, I really appreciate it. I do love spoiling them, it's very easy to do when they make us laugh with all their antics! Haha, sorry about the chinny porn ;))