Eating very little pellets and CC

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My kids have 4 feety's
Feb 1, 2009
Hi chin family, Tilly is now on CC regularly because her antibiotics take her appetite away and make her nauseus. I am concerned because she obviously isnt eating pellets on her own, and when i do the CC, 4x a day, she will only take about 12ml on average. Everyone says it should be about 36ml a feeding, but she is a small full grown chin (500 grams) and when I try to give her more she absolutely will not take it. She has been this way everytime I have had her on CC. She will decide she is finished and when she realizes she cant get out of her chin burrito, she will just sit there with the cc on her lips and not swallow ...even if i move her around or tickle her chin. Her poos are normal and she eats a good amount of hay.

Is this okay? if not, what else can be done without completely stressing her out? (as she is pretty sick right now)
what meds is she on..some have a bad taste. It was recomended by chinvet at the shindig a few years ago that when on antibiotics you shoudl give them a bit of raisin right after the meds to hide the taste.
Go to and read Dawnna's page on LifeLine - it's designed to help chins with exactly what yours is going through! Good luck!
If her poos are normal and she is still eating a lot of hay, she may be full with 12ml. Keep doing what you are doing and monitor her weight and her poos closely. If you see any significant drop in weight, or changes in the poos, start feeding more.

Also, are you mixing the CC according to directions an dfeeding it, or are you thinning it out any?
36 mL 4 x a day with a little chin like that? I wouldn't think so. You can't expect a small chin to take the same amount as a large chin. I have a 500 gm chin here who was fighting an illness. He gets 50 mL of CC a day, and he is holding rock steady. He hasn't gained, but he hasn't lost either.

I agree with Ann. If she's holding steady on what you are giving her, and everything else is normal, then keep doing what you have been. Watch the poos though. I've noticed when using CC they tend to get a little bit constipated, so I make sure to syringe some water while I'm feeding as well.