Eating human junk food...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Okay, so last night I was watching TV with Kuma on my lap, and I was eating these candies... kind of like jelly beans but round and sour, cherry flavour (haha this might be relavent).

So I took a bite of one, and was holding the other half of it in my hand, and Kuma lunged for it and took it out of my hand! I freaked out and pulled it out of his mouth, so he didn't actually eat a bite of it, but since it was gummy candy, I think he got some on his teeth maybe. So he started to lick his mouth like crazy, and then annointed. I kept an eye on him for about an hour, he seemed totally fine and drank lots of water. This morning he was fine too.

Does anyone think this is an issue? He seems totally fine... and lesson learned for me, don't eat candy around the little monster!
I think he'll be fine, but it's not something you'd want to give him on purpose. You were probably eating those Sour Cherry Blasters (I love them!).

One time, I dropped a piece of graham cracker or a goldfish cracker on the floor and couldn't find it. Wouldn't you believe, it took Hemi all of 30 seconds to find this piece of cracker and chow down. It didn't affect her in the least, but I definitely wouldn't want it to be part of her regular diet.
I read on a website somewhere about someone getting a hedgie that was extreemly ove wieght. Her curiosity was confirmed when the hedgie's previouse owner said "Don't forget to give him his favorite treat everyday. One square of chocolate." The hedgie still lived but was obviously looking toward heart problems. In other words, your hedgie should be fine but maybe just check her teeth evey once and a while.

FYI-that isn't exactly how the conversation went so please don't quote me on that for anyone who has read it.
My brother fed Truffles part of a heart healthy chocolate tea biscuit once. His reasoning was something like, "Freeze dried worms and kibble do not a fun diet make." Needless to say, she is fine but won't be getting anymore treats from him again.
Well, since it's considered "junk food" for us, I think it's safe to assume that it's also junk for hedgies.

One thing to note though... make sure you don't eat any candies or foods with a chemical called xylitol in it... this chemical is extremely poisonous to small animals- even dogs and cats. When my Jack licked some toothpaste, and after all the vets in the area had no idea whether it was toxic or not, I called my friend who is studying to be a vet- she had me check the tube for xylitol first and foremost, then let me release my breath...

(i meant... not to eat stuff with xylitol near hedgies... wasn't trying to be bossy)