eaten baseboard.

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
I'm sure lots of people have this problem- eaten baseboards. I rent, and a few places on my baseboard in the bathroom has huge chunks missing.. does anyone know of a way to fix them? I've heard of a putty you can use and form it on and make it look nice...or is simply replacing them the best option? I don't want my landlord to strangle me lol.
You could get a little of that easy spackle/plaster stuff in the little tub and try to fill in the holes and sand them down to match, then maybe paint? I've done this a few times...up until I stopped worrying about it as much! :) But, I don't rent and if I ever sell this place I will have a lot of repair work to do. :)
If it's only pre-finished and not painted, it might be less of a hassle to replace - but the wood putty will work, too!
Let me know how that works. :) My baseboards and door casings are so messed up that I should probably replace them...but for a temporary fix that is something I could try. :) I really need to figure something out for the bathroom vanity...the chins have had really gone crazy the last nine years with that. :)