Easter pictures...

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LOL! How cute! What do you guys do to get them to sit still? All I would have gotten was Shelly's tail as she is bolting out of there.
How on earth did you get that chin to agree to wear bunny ears???? So cute!
very cute!

I know 1 of my chins that wouldn't mind hats or bunny ears.. he's also my calmest lap chin. He doesn't really care to much what you do to him, lol.
How do all these chins stay still during the photos?!
And you're lucky this chinchilla agreed to have the bunny ears on!
I once put a small hat (for dolls) on Tubby & he decided to eat it :(
absolutely adorable! makes me want to try a chinchilla photo shoot!!
I think I recognize that face, though there seems to be a lot less.......body behind it?

Very nice pictures, but I agree, I'm thinking she's not a fan of the hat.