Easter basket!

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2013
I have quickly become a doting chinchilla mommy, and while I have thus far resisted overdoing it and running out and buying him everything... I do have an idea for Easter! That's justified, right? Since it's a holiday!

Looking at the websites a lot of you run for toys, et cetera, and seeing holiday-inspired toys/chews, I've got an idea that I'd very much like to achieve.

I'm thinking of making a small-medium edible Easter basket for my chinchilla, but I have some questions -- maybe some of you have done this before.

What do you guys think could work best as a basket? I think some sort of woven seagrass bowl would be great, but where could I get one easily? I'm not sure that I'm capable of making one.

My other primary question is about rose hips. I've read all about crushing them and where to get them, but I can't seem to find any information about when a chinchilla can eat them. I've read that some people feel that rose hips aren't like treats, and can be given regularly, but I've also read the opposite. If they are a treat, should I wait until he's 6 months old? He's currently a little over 2 months old. Are there other interesting herbs that would be age-appropriate for him?

My last question is about dye. What do people use to dye their woods? The same non-toxic food dye we use for humans, or something else (crushed flowers?)?

I'm hoping to get an edible small basket-like thing and fill it with some exciting chews (carrot-shaped/dyed, maybe some coins that look like Easter eggs, etc.) and hay and any other herbs he could have for fun.
Some people are okay with giving treats to chinchillas under 6 months, and some are not - so it just comes down to what you feel comfortable with. If you do choose to offer rose hips or any other herbs, I would suggest limiting it to one thing so if it causes any problems you know what you gave him that caused the problem.

As far as dye, food coloring works fine. I find that the gel colors work better.
I think it would be fun if you could buy an organic basket made of something chin safe, or if you could weave one yourself. I'd totally do something like that filled with hay (in place of the color fake grass) and egg shaped woods! I'd want to make it small enough they could toss it around too, xP.
Thanks, Chinmama! Can I ask what you mean by "gel colors"? I did read that chinchillas don't actually see color, so I guess coloring is more for me than him, but...

And that's what I'm thinking, Zoaea! I just got a giant spool of sisal recently, but I think it may have oil in it, so unfortunately I can't knit something with that as a basket. Still trying to figure out a neat idea. :D
You can get food coloring in thee traditional liquid, or food coloring powder, or gel. Look up Wilton's food coloring gel ;) best stuf - I use it for every thing. Just mix a little into water(or more depending on how bright you want the color) and your good to go!