easiest way to catch chin... help :)

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May 26, 2011
hey im a new chin mom just got her tuesday i have been sitting by her cage and talking to her and even singing (lol) she likes it... she has been letting me pet her but hasnt been ready to come out until this morning when i opened her cage and she climbed right on my hand and wanted out.... so i let and and thne she jumped of me and ran behind the couch.. (lol) she was making this laughing noise after 10mins of trying to catch her... i finally got her after 20 mins... lol.. basically just wanted to know if there is an easy way to catch her... thanks.
Well, first off, I wouldn't let her have play time yet. Even if she seems ready already to come out of the cage, once she gets out, she's probably really frightened (probably why she went right behind the couch). And, of course, if you are having to chase her, that's definitely not helping your relationship! And that sound wasn't laughing (well, obviously, lol), it was probably her distress noise/warning call.

After she settles in more (I guess 2-3 weeks, but it's different for every chin), and you try play time again, you can try the dust bath trick. :)) Just set out her dust bin and wait for her to go in it. Then, just pick up the bin, and put her back in her cage! This way, it's stress free for the both of you! :p
If I've ever needed to catch a chin quickly and painlessly I throw a small hand towel over them. They can't see, so I can easily scoop them up. I wouldn't do this all the time as I'm sure it's not fun for them, but in the case of an emergency, or where you just cannot get them to stay still, it works.
thanks.. so much and yes im sure your right about the scared thing with her going behing the couch.... at least i know she is starting to get a bit comfortable with me :)....when i finally caught her though she didnt seem to stressed went right back in her cage and gave me a little nibble and a lick on my hand... but yes i know every chin is different and i will def give her more time to get comfortable and settle in... i dont wanna stress her out to much.... to the point where she cant trust or feel safe around me... :):):)
funny thing about the dust bath trick earlier this week I went to bed and Evie figured out how to get out of the cage Im looking everywhere on the floor all over the shelves and my mom tells me to just goto work and when I come back Ill find her before I left I saw her dust bath moving she was sleeping in it
i always have some barriers up in the room my ****** are in. Their fast little chins, so just in case they get out, better to be preparred.

As for getting them back in, for the msot part in pretty lucky. My chins no the ladder means its time to go in, and when they see it, they come running back and into the cages. (generaly)
Hehe, back when we first got my chin, before we realized that she could jump....we had her in her playpen turned around for a few seconds and she was "gone" found her after 20 min of scouring the room hiding in her bathouse in the playpen after all....as for catching, thank you for asking, I had been wondering the same thing.