Mama had a baby 2 wks ago tomorrow and I don't know when I can let them dust? I've heard several dif things. I'm worried now that I've been holding out for too long. I was worried about doing it too soon bc the vet told me that the dust could mess with the lactating nipples and possibly prevent mom from nursing. After reading this forum, I don't think my vet knows that much with chins bc they didn't even know about breedback! My little newbie, cute as she may be, is having a bad hair day! Lol! I'm sure mama wants to bathe so what is the proper procedure (cleaning old bathhouse?use dif bathhouse?etc) and will it affect her nursing at all? If there is anything I need to know about the dusting of mama and kits, could you please inform me? I've read quite a bit on FAQs but am still unsure. Thanks! Being a new chin mommy is sooo rewarding : )