Dust Bath!

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Hello, my chin had it's toe bitten yesterday by another through the bars in the cage. The toe seems to be still attached but hanging off by the skin :S I was told yesterday that its nothing to worry about as it happens all the time and its should fall off and heal on it's own in a few days :) also i was told that you can give him a dust bath still cos it would help the healing process?
Would you adive me to do it or avoid it ????
Just some extra help needed please
Thank You
Hello Travisprime,
Have you talked to your Veternarian ? I would be concerned about infection .... Perhaps this "Kid" needs antibiotics ??? I would do nothing untill I spoke to my Vet.
Best wishes (And Healing) For your Chin, Grace
i have no exotic vets in my area :( i rang the local vet up but they said they couldn't really be any help as they have no specialist? so no help there :( he seems fine as he is running and jumping around! and still eating and drinking.
I would keep trying to find a vet who will see chins. The few times my chins have gotten scraped up we've always been given pain meds and antibiotics. Unless a vet tells you to give the dust bath I would hold off until the wound is closed up.

The dust can get in the wound and cause infection, especially because your chin doesn't have antibiotics to fight infection.

When our chins haven't been able to have a full bath our vet recommended that we rub a little dust into their body every few days to keep them from getting too greasy.
It will fall off on its own and it should be alright. Watch the toe for signs of infection like swelling or puss. Giving the chin a dust bath can help to reinforce a nice scab on the toe. Use fresh dust that hasn't been used before and it should work out just fine. I have had ranchers and experienced breeders tell me many times to give a chin with a small cut a dust bath to help stop bleeding. It works well with toes.
i rang the local vet up but they said they couldn't really be any help as they have no specialist?

This isn't a chin specific disorder. It's an injured limb possibly needing amputation, stitches, pain meds, and antibiotics. These seem like services that any vet would be able to perform? Do they not have resources to determine medication dosages for small animals? None of our emergency vets are chin specialists, but whenever we have to take them in they have a big reference book that tells them what meds are safe for chins and how much to give depending on their weight.
Can he be put in a smaller cage (Without Stress ?) Until the wound heals ? Have you checked out the forum site for exotic pet vets ? Is this "Kid" with other chins ? I just worry about transference (Spelling) of bacteria from urine or feces into his foot - Perhaps I worry a lot for nothing, Smiles, It is just my nature to worry.......
It will fall off on its own and it should be alright. Watch the toe for signs of infection like swelling or puss. Giving the chin a dust bath can help to reinforce a nice scab on the toe. Use fresh dust that hasn't been used before and it should work out just fine. I have had ranchers and experienced breeders tell me many times to give a chin with a small cut a dust bath to help stop bleeding. It works well with toes.

I agree with AZChins.
the toe has fallen off now :) and the wound looks alot cleaner and better :) no signs of any infection or swelling. He seems alot more brighter today but i shall keep monitering the wound.
This isn't a chin specific disorder. It's an injured limb possibly needing amputation, stitches, pain meds, and antibiotics. These seem like services that any vet would be able to perform? Do they not have resources to determine medication dosages for small animals? None of our emergency vets are chin specialists, but whenever we have to take them in they have a big reference book that tells them what meds are safe for chins and how much to give depending on their weight.

A little off topic, but if a vet has no experience with chins, you do not want them administering meds etc... they will not always know what to do and can cause more harm then good.

This wasnt something that needed to be rushed to the vet for. But I would try to find a vet just incase you ever do need one.

I am glad the chinnie is doing well :thumbsup:
I'm glad he's better now, too! :D Poor little toe though. I've had the chins bite off each other's toes and it always makes me so sad. Why do they do that? Granted it's usually because a chin has escaped and decides to harass other chins through their cage bars.

The dusting works really well for nipped toes and little cuts. I like it for foot wounds and toes because those tend to bleed and bleed. Sometimes the scabs come off so easily, as well. The dust helps just enough to keep the bleeding down and get a good scab forming.