Due to separation.....

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
My china cabinet is now the the "filling" of an FN sandwich...


I had to separate my 2 older boys due to Pepper being a big fat meanie to CJ...
A few pics of the instigator not being happy in the new FN I had to buy for him.
Heck, I should be the one NOT happy, I also had to buy another chin spin!





If I promise to be good to CJ could you please give me visitation rights with
the chinspin until my new one gets here?


Here is a cute one of CJ right after I separated them :(


This was taken before I took Pepper out.. one second, best of friends
and the next ......


He slipped fur when Pepper chased him...

Well I'm glad you were able to catch the fight before it turned for the worse.
The set up looks great! And your chins are very cute.
I bet CJ slipped the fur to kick his bud out and have the wheel to himself. Hee Hee....
Very cute pictures.
I do have a question. I think it was the 7th picture that has a house. Where did you get that house? Or did you make it?
I gave up on trying to fit cages into my home decor loooong ago. They have just overtaken our spare bedroom now :D

Nothing but chin cages!
I agree, you need another FN to balance AND a new chin to fill the space!! maybe you can take one of those texas spca rescues!!
It looks a little off balance. You need a second FN on top of the one on the left and a new chinchilla to put in it.

I will be glad to help her out with that. :)
haha.. i have to agree too!! .. another FN and a new chin!! But i like your setup an your chins are AdorAbLe!! =)
Thanks everyone! :D
I think that my daughter is the one that is taking this the hardest, she is getting flashbacks from when her first two chins had to be separated and it breaks her heart because she would see these two snuggling in the tube together all the time. Second would be Pepper, who immediately jumps to the door of the FN and sticks his nose through the bars the second he spots one of us. He is getting extra playtime since he does not have a wheel yet.

Every house should have a formal chin room

I totally agree! I don't know why my mother, husband, neighbor, etc. think it looks odd/weird and now believe that I am odd/weird :wacko: for not agreeing with them!

It looks a little off balance. You need a second FN on top of the one on the left and a new chinchilla to put in it. :thumbsup:

This is EXACTLY WHY my husband did not assemble the top half of the FN. He is literally scared that I will see it just like you Carol and do exactly that. But I mean, duh, why wouldn't I have used one of our old cages instead, I don't understand why he didn't tell me to do that when I said that I had to run to Petsmart right now and get the FN cage before Pepper kills CJ! I wasn't going to volunteer that info to him either, hehe!

I will be glad to help her out with that. :)

Uh, you better! Just kidding! Um no, scratch that... you know how I like them, right?! ;)
I do have a question. I think it was the 7th picture that has a house. Where did you get that house? Or did you make it?

It's made by simplychintastic and it's part of the play cubes set called the Castle Tower. Here's the link, you have to scroll all the way down for the play items.

I agree, you need another FN to balance AND a new chin to fill the space!! maybe you can take one of those texas spca rescues!!

I was going to take 2 boys but I have some work issues going on and may have to go to some training for a new position which means that I wouldn't be home for a few days on and off for the rescues. My daughter is really good with our other boys and she handles them very well with playtimes and feedings but she has her hands full, she's only 11 and I can't put all that responsibility on her, but I really wish I could have. :(
Don't underestimate the 11 yr old. My 9 yr old helped me keep it together when John was deployed. She also set up a baby cage for a litter she found when I was in the hospital. She is a supper helper.
I love that room! Your chinchillas are super cute!
I am so sorry you had to split the boys....But great set up

I wish I didn't have to either, but with CJ losing some weight and witnessing a bad chase, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something terrible happened.