Dry, flaky ears..

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New member
Jun 12, 2011
My little chin Dynah has very dry, flaky ears. I've been looking through some of the threads to see what a good solution would be to fix this. Would the bagbalm help at all? I also read of using olive oil? Which do you think would be best to try? She also has little dark spots on the tips of her ears. I adopted her a few months back and she had them when I got her. Im thinking they may be freckles or irritation from her dry ears?
Yep, just cute lil freckels. Take a vitamen e capsule, poke it and rub the oil sparingly on her ears. It can possibly be caused from to much dusting, how often and long do you dust her?
Yep, the spots are freckles. Bag balm will work, as will vitamin E oil. I am guessing that Dynah either is beige or has beige in her? The freckles are the dead giveaway.
Yea, I believe she is beige! I compared pictures of her to other chinchillas and thats what she looks closest to. Shes a cute little bugger, I love her!! She had extremely dry ears when I adopted her, and it looked like she barely ever recieved dust baths at all. I give her a dust bath a few times a week for about 15-20 mins or so. So idk what else it could be from? Thanks so much for the great feedback!! :)