Dry blood by female's cone?

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Hi guys,

I've noticed recently that Momma has what looks like dry blood in between her cone and anus.. so her opening.
I've read another thread on here that says their female had something like this, but it was coming out as a liquid or something.
Now, I don't see this on anything of her fleece (she has white/light blue..so I'd see it)

Picture: If you can see the dark.. that's what I'm talking about. (please excuse her yellow fur..she's one of those who sits for a second after she pees in her pan)


I was wondering what this could be? It startled me because I've never read anything about it.

I'll be bringing her into the vet by this coming weekend. (or sooner..)
We've had Momma for about 74 days, she's gained 155g (She's at 821g now), lays on her side all night long, her nipples have been long and red for about 2 weeks or so..and we're thinking if nothing happens by this week we want to get her checked out by a vet. (Plus what I'm posting about now has me worried.)

Sounds like Momma might be living up to her name!!!

Lol, yeah I like how easy I can push out ''Little momma'' in a baby voice.. but I HATE HATE having to call her 'momma'. I feel like that puts the label as to what she has been used as her entire life.

But, I rarely change the name of the animal I get..so I guess I'll over-use the baby voice. :)
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Can do.
She had a vet appointment set up for today that we cancled. I'll see if they still have the slot available.