Dropping weight

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
I weighed Bryson today and he seems to have dropped a little bit of weight. He is usually around 680 but today he was at 566. I know that's not a ton, but it still worries me. He has still been eating, drinking, peeing, playing and pooping well but he just dropped some weight. His poops have been tacky and soft but went back to normal after I gave hime some acidophilus and charcoal, and they are now soft again.

Anything I can give him to get his weight back up? Granted if nothing works I have an appointment lined up for him on the 28th.

He has always been on the small side, but just used to weigh a little more than he does currently.
He is usually around 680 but today he was at 566.

What do you mean by "usually"? How frequently do you weigh him? (daily, weekly, monthly) He has lost 114 grams, almost 17% of his body weight. That is a pretty significant weight loss. Was he 680 grams last week, or several months ago? If the weight change was sudden, I would try to get an appointment with your vet tomorrow or monday. Some other things to ponder: Is he still eating the same amount of pellets/hay as he used to? Is he exercising more? Have you changed feeds, moved, or gotten a new chin/pet? Has he lost a cagemate or been separated from one? These are some things your vet may ask you to help you figure out the reason for the weight loss, and it's always good to be prepared!
I weigh him about once every few weeks or when I remember to. He has been yo yoing between these weights since I switched him. Some weeks he will be up, some weeks he will be down.

He's still very active and I haven't seen any problems with his teeth. He is still interested in chewing on everything and popcorns and wall surfs when playing still.

I did get another chin about a month and a half ago. They aren't living in the same cage but are on opposite sides of the room in the same room.

He's on PANR and lives with a cage mate. I fill up their bowl every night and it is about gone in the morning. I'm not sure if his cage mate is bullying him for food or not, as he looks like a ham now, but I have seen him at the bowl eating for a good 5-10 minutes each evening.

I switched them to PANR from Mazuri in August I believe. And he hasn't been eating as much hay as he used to because he is so picky with it. He has been getting fewer playtimes, though. I've been very busy with school and once I'm done with homework I just want to pass out. Could that be causing it?

He has also started to chew his fur more though, but also his cage mate has been helping him chew his fur, so I don't know how much he is actually chewing himself.
I'm sorry. I just reweighed him and apparently I had it on the wrong setting earlier today. Correction on his weight. He is 635 not 566.