drooling chin

  • Thread starter ChinchillaChick712
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Last night I rescued a chin that wasn't being cared for. She is about 5 years, seems to be a normal weight, and is eating and playing just fine. I noticed after having her for an hour that it was wet under her chin which seemed to be from drool. I did some research and have read about all of the tooth problems and I am scared to death now. Has anyone had any experience with this? I called the old owner and he told me he only noticed a bout a week or two ago and just thought it was nothing. I am hoping that it could just be that the teeth need filing now from not having any chew toys. Momo is going to the vet on Sunday, but any advice would be so appreciated!
Make sure the vet does a full tooth exam- this will require more than just looking in the mouth. They will need to get x-rays of her teeth as well and see if the roots have begun growing into the jaw or up into the sinuses.
Just be sure to have a full set of x-rays done on her teeth so you know what you are dealing with. In order to do it well, she needs to be anesthetized so they can get the best views. They can also check to make sure there is no hay or wood stuck in her gums. Sometimes that can cause drooling as well.

As far as if it is tooth issues, different people hold different views. A lot of people will spend tons of money trying to "fix" an unfixable problem. If it's a root issue, there is nothing you can do but allow her to live until she starts losing weight or can't eat. You can give some pain medicine to try and help her. If it's a surface issue, you'll have to decide if you can afford constant tooth filings, hand feedings, etc. for the same end eventually. Malo is incurable. All you can do is treat it symptomatically.
I am so scared I won't be able to take care of her. I wouldn't have taken her if I knew she wasn't healthy. I have enough money for the vet visit, but I have no clue how I could cover x-rays and surgery. Any idea on how much this all costs? Thank you so much for your help.
First time teeth issue the chin should be put under gas for a full exam and also x-ray's taken, don't settle for the vet just looking in the mouth with a otoscope while the chin is awake, there is no way a good exam can be done doing anything less.

Vets are all over board with prices-my dentist charges 110.00 for a filing, 65.00 for a set of x-rays. If the chin is diagnosed with malo, the filings will have to happen every 4-8 weeks average, x-rays taken once a year or so. Malo is terminal, there is no long term fix nor is there a cure so to be honest don't feel bad if you PTS, its actually the most humane thing long term.
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I just found on another thread where they talked about a mouth infection. She is eating fine, and the drool kind of smell so I guess I am going to pray that is what it is.
make sure your vet has experience with chins. my chin was diagnosed with a mouth infection caused by a tooth spur, but he does also have malo (his jaw is mis aligned).
for the mouth infection they gave him the trimeth sulfa (the pink stuff) and that really cleared it up.
if the chin you have was being neglected he may have overgrowth of his teeth from not chewing properly and not wearing down his teeth, this could cause the drooling too.

again, just make sure the vet is experienced with chins and expect to pay between 100 - 500 depending on what you get done. the most i paid at one visit, which included tooth removal, filing, digital xrays, exam & meds was 700. it was worth it though, as it helped me determine my course of action and treatment for richie.
pm me if you have any specific questions.
You've been given some good advice about examination, Xrays, and prognosis - what Peggy has said above is very true: malocclusion is a terminal disease and some people choose to to go extremes to keep their chinchillas alive.
At the end of the day it is about the chinchilla's quality of life - my philosophy is "Rather a minute too soon than a second too late" and I would rather PTS than "keep them going" for my sake.

This forum is a mine of good information from experienced owners - not meaning to be rude to anyone but if you stick to posting your questions on the open forum you will get lots of breadth of experience and consensus of opinion (where it exists). This enables people to make an informed decision based on a wide range of experience and knowledge rather than individual case stories.

I wish you and your chin all the very best.
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Thank you so much for all of your advice. I contacted the previous owner and he is going to pay for the vet bills and wants Mo-mo to get the best care. We are going to make sure the x-rays are done and pray for the best. Thanks!