So I want to start out this post by saying yes Gambit has been to the vet (2 times in this past week actually) . Last sunday I noticed his eye was watery , he had broke a tooth and he was drooling (he likes to attack the side of the cage when the other one gets near it). So i took him into the vet monday morning. Found out he had a small ulcer on his eye and that his teeth needed to be trimmed. Got medication for ulcer and got teeth trimmed. We went back in for the check up on thursday. Vet said he looked good. He was still drooling a tiny bit but eating his pellets, hay and critical care. Forward to today.. droolin seems to be pickin up a little and hes not into the pellets or hay as much. But I am balling up up the critical care and he is eating it. I guess my question it other then malo what else could this be? The vet did not take x-rays and I am planning on calling tomorrow and making another appointment and having them do x-rays.