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Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Jan 29, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Drizzle has done fantastic throughout this whole infected hand fiasco. He has eaten the entire time he's been on Baytril, he got through surgery on the hand, and he hasn't chewed on it at all since the surgery. :D He's my good boy!

I wanted to do some updated pictures of him and his now healing hand, and got a few really cute shots.


Enjoying some love.



Taking a honk-shu in his tube.

His hand before:


His hand now:


Swelling has almost gone down completely, no more puss, and he's actually using it which lets me know it is feeling better. He's still on baytril for another week, but he is doing sooooooo well!

Plus, I think his hand is super cute because it looks like he is constantly doing this:


Rock on little guy!
Oh, and sorry about the CC on the bars. I meant to clean that off from when I was hand feeding (he was fantastic about not having to be held and burritoed) in the beginning, but I completely forgot about it until I saw these pictures.
When I read "Drizzle... again" I though uh oh now what but I'm relieved to read that he is making a wonderful recovery. That hand definitely looks much better now and it's pretty cute that he makes a constant 'rock on' sign, haha.
Here is a cropped picture of the hand before. It's fuzzy, but unfortunately it's the best I have. He was really cranky before since he was in pain, so I didn't want to grab at him too much to get a better shot.

I saw the title and thought, "Oh no! Now what?" lol...I'm so glad this is a good recovery, and not another problem with the little guy. He's been through enough. :D