Dried Fruit as a Treat?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Chad C.

I have been giving my two Chins dried food as a treat for the last few years.

I started with Raisins, Apple Pieces, and Papaya. I just recently started dried Cantaloupe, and was reading that juicy fruits even dried might be bad and cause bloat. :(

What is the thought on dried Cantaloupe, should I start eating it and get the chins something I have had experience with in the past?

Is there a list somewhere floating around of all the safe treats?

I did some searching and found a similar thread for Hedgies, but nothing for Chins.
They do not need either fruits or vegetables, and in many cases, it is really unhealthy for them.

Bite sized, nonsugared shredded wheat.
Pinch of old fashioned oats.
Dried rosehips.
Organic rosebuds.
The very occasional cheerio.
Lots of wood chews.

That's all I would offer any of my chins, and I don't even offer that much.
Ditch the fruit and go with what Tunes wrote..I used to give my oldest chin treats like that and ended up making her sick in the long run. She is better now, but at the tune of a few hundred dollars to get her that way and lot of man hours that could have been better spent playing with her than burittoing her and force feeding her meds and critical care.
I too agree with Tunes! Some of the dried fruits arent totally 'bad' for them, but they are definately unnecessary!