drawings of your chinchilla

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chin smitten
Mar 2, 2009
I have been putting together a webpage for my chinnies called "Cherry Blossom Chinchillas" and wanted to put up a drawing of my first chin, Pixie since she started it all and I love to draw. Then I thought... hey, why not offer to draw pictures for others if they are interested. So here is the drawing and the picture I based it off of (you'll notice that I drew in her tail because I felt that she should have it in her drawing even though in the photo it is positioned where the camera isn't)



If anyone is interested in having your baby drawn... it is on sketch paper, in pencil... I don't really know what to charge for shipping and drawing... so we could work that out and the money would just go to buying luxuries for the chinnies (new play toys... etc).

I would share my website as well, but it's not ready for the public lol...
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Firstly, thank you for the compliments...

Secondly, Britney... your drawing are awesome and sooooo cute!!! No tissues... only celebration
