Ralph gave me a 50lb bag of his feed when I purchased a bunch of animals back in August. I ended up doing 50/50 with his feed and my PANR and did a test trial on the animals from him and the animals I had previously on PANR alone. The chins from Ralph seem to eat about 50% more (or at least 50% quicker) of the Koch/PANR mix than my guys on PANR. Their coats are also much better looking on Koch's feed. I would measure out the feed for 8 of these animals every night and then empty out what was left the next day and measure it.
I should have tested a few just on the Koch's feed, but since I live no where near Ohio and it would be highly inconvenient from me to drive 9 hrs to go and pick feed up, I figured I would just try to 50/50 and see how it does. I do like the results, but it could just be a conincidence. I also had one animal that was previously on just the PANR in with the 8 and his fur shape improved much more than I thought it would on the mix.
I'd get the feed from Ralph if you could and I'm sure they can sell it by the lb for you and ship it to you if you're too far away. Ralph got me to eat his feed and then taste the PANR - the PANR is pretty darn salty compared to his feed. He told me that it could make for an increase in water consumption, and I noticed that some of the chins on just PANR drank more water than on the mix. He tests each individual bag to make sure it's fresh. Gotta love the guy.
(BTW - I'm not a scientist, this was just for my fun to see the results. I do like the feed and wish I could get it easier than driving to Ohio.)