Dominant female

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I have a couple together and the female is either too dominant or my male is a sissy....(tend to think about the second option...). He won't do the job, I guess he's too scared. They do cohabitate well but he will always back off when miss is not in the mood and complains. She pushes him away every time he tries. I think he just gave up :wacko: Any suggestion?
I don't think there is much you can do to force them to "love" one another. Lots of times 2 chins just do not mesh well and never produce, or it can just take a very long time for the first pregnancy. Some of my males are "sissy" boys and don't ever get any females pregnant, so they are just pets. Other times they will just need a different female and then get her knocked up right away, it all just depends. How old was he when introduced to the female?
how long have you been trying?? Sometimes it takes a while at first. 'Laid back' males who take no for an answer all the time probably shouldn't be put with a witchy female at first. It could 'scar' them for life. As for very 'witchy' female with a capital 'B', I have had 2 in 15 years that were extremely hard to get bred. I finally kept a female from them and gave them up to a good pet home. I was lucky that the kits from these females who not as bad as their mom. And the Mom's are happy being by themselves. Both females really did not like other chins - period
Well it's not a matter of 'love' each other I think ChinnieChantel. They've been giving kisses to each other for a long time. Mister wants to do the job, it's mostly that he can't....I don't know how to say that in English....put his feet down? I've seen them breed once, I guess she was in heat and let him do his thing....

They've known each other since the male is 5 months old but have only recently (3-4 months) have been in direct contact (in the same cage for a month). Before it was though bars or stuff like that. He's now 1 year and 4 months and miss is 2 years old.

I'll be patient. I certainly know they can never breed and I can never see kits. I was just wondering if there was a way to 'boost' my male's masculinity :thumbsup:
I received a chin that was scared of every female he was put in with. Would not breed for love nor money. I threw him in with three other boys and let them rough and tumble it for a while (playing, not fighting obviously). I took him out, put him in with a female, and now he's a breeding machine.

I don't think it's just a matter of them being afraid of the female, I think it might be a matter of them being afraid of other chins. Hanging with the boys helped him to get over that.
I received a chin that was scared of every female he was put in with. Would not breed for love nor money. I threw him in with three other boys and let them rough and tumble it for a while (playing, not fighting obviously). I took him out, put him in with a female, and now he's a breeding machine.

I don't think it's just a matter of them being afraid of the female, I think it might be a matter of them being afraid of other chins. Hanging with the boys helped him to get over that.

Ha, I can just imagine the conversations they have with each other..."come on man, don't be a chicken and just show her who is boss!" "If they let me at her I would get the job done." :laughitup:
It could just be that you're seeing him try to breed her when she's not in heat. Females tend to get a bit testy about that. I'm sure if you've seen him attempt it that he's getting the job done. We aren't there every second of the day to see if things are happening so you just need to wait and try patience, lol.
tabitha you kind of read my mind.. When I had my male with a female, it took quite some time for a baby to come. I know they are in heat every month, but if i remember correctly, and someone pls correct me if i'm wrong, but they tend to breed more certain times of the year, so maybe that could be it too.
I have a pair where the girl rules the root and the boy is a sissy. He still gets the job done though. If I separate them at all the girl beats the boy up when I try to put them back together... he stands in the corner and whimpers!
Did you say how old? Sometimes ive found it takes the males a while longer than the females to mature & actually take charge of things. (if its a older female, younger male situation)

I like peggy's idea of trying to put them in with other males to help give them skills though! Terrific approach.

All in due time, im sure, just be sure to give them their own time. Ive had some of my newer couples together for going on a year & still no babies, but im not too worried. If nothing happens within another full season i will try different partners. If you arent willing to wait any longer maybe try each with a different mate for a while, too? As it was also said, perhaps youve only seen them together when shes not in heat? I know mine wont have that if they arent ready...

Good luck & hope to hear of some babies for you! =]
The chins have only been together a month, you just said. Well, she's only gone into heat once then, so far. It's not an "instant" thing. I got a pair who were together 5 years without breeding. Got here, and the female had a kit.
The chins have only been together a month, you just said. Well, she's only gone into heat once then, so far.

Agreed, it also depends on your lighting, some will go 45-60 days between cycles if you don't have enough light.

It's pretty rare that you throw two together and have babies within four months. This time around it took all of mine a full eight months to start producing.

Have patience. :))
I"ve had my pair together for almost 2 years, and no kits. I do believe my girl is stronger of the two, and my boy is a lovey sissy boy. Likes to cuddle.