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Irish Chinchilla
Jan 29, 2009
Philipsburg, PA
I had no idea this series was coming about, until I read a quick blurb about it in the paper on Friday before it premiered. I'm excited that Joss Whedon is on the air again! I've been a fan of all his series, especially the short-lived Firefly, and greatly admire him as a writer.

That said, I really wasn't all that impressed with this episode. It was pretty formulaic, and I don't much care for Echo as a bubblehead.... but I'm sure there's plenty of surprises in store for the future of the series.
I wasn't impressed it all either. It was entirely too serious all the way through. And where was the Josh Whedon humor? I'm a huge fan of his writing normally too.

And after watching Eliza Dushku as Faith, it was actually a bit difficult to see her as Echo.
Agreed. It didn't feel like Joss at all, other than the repeated use of actors (Eliza Dushku, Amy Acker, Mark Sheppard is apparently to make a guest appearance).

Although the first season of Buffy was a bit more serious before it settled into itself, so I'm still holding out hope that Dollhouse will become Whedonesque.
I thought it was ok, but I think they can do better. I hope they do and don't screw it up like they've done with so many potentially good shows.

***I was also a fan of Firefly.***
I too am a huge fan of Joss Whedon's and had planned on checking this out, I guess I will have to watch it on-line...I wasn't sure how I would feel about Eliza playing a different role of his, I can't wait to watch it.
2nd episode was much better but I miss Firefly! Truly his best work to date. For me it's difficult to see Eliza as anything other than Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But I do like her and I enjoy Sarah Connor Chronicles so for me this show is excellent to follow Sarah Connor. We'll have to see what happens with it in the future.
I missed the first episode so when I watched the 2nd one I was way confused! Im catching on now. Not sure how long I could see this show going on though.

BTW I totally love the Sarah Connor Chronicles!
I agree the second episode was waay good. I used to pretend when i went camping that i was an escapie and people were trying to get me, so i would go and hide and climb over rocks and stuff. heehee

But that guy was Wack, very mean too.
Yeah the first and third episodes were blah.... Episode 9 was amazing!!!! This show keeps going further and further into that great WTF zone that I love about Joss's Writting. I adore Firefly and Dr. Horrible was amazing! I've always loved Joss's writing though and alot of the parts that seem less the Whedon's best scream FOX which just love to frack with his shows. I don't know how many seasons this can continue but I'm hoping all the seasons it gets are good ones.

Spoiler: The reveal about Melly to Paul... Possibly the most priceless moments of WTF I've ever witnessed.

As for Eliza Dushku... I am less then a fan. She is consistantly up staged and out performed by her "supporting" cast. I just don't think she is a strong enough actress to support the role she has taken on. But those are the perks of being one of the producers....
Anger and Rage!!!

Dollhouse has been cancelled.... Possibly.

I wake up every Saterday morning looking foreward to this show and when I got up this morning... No episode. So i start looking around on some of the forums. The Scuttlebutt is that it has been cancelled. That they will finish showing the episodes of season one but not at a regular time. Arrg!!! This had better just be lies and subterfuge or more anger and rage to come!!!
Ok not cancelled but still may not be picked up for a second season.

Other then that the last two episodes.... Squeeee Wash Squeee!!!! Oh and poor Victor!
Heh, as soon as I saw Alan Tudyk was guest starring, I knew he was going to end up being Alpha. Such is the way of Joss, giving good roles to actors from previous series. ;)

Nice twist about Whiskey. I'm starting to think even DeWitt is a doll.
It really makes you wonder who is and who isn't. Apparently Joss has the plot for five seasons so...

I love Alan Tudyk, He's been on my husband list since Firelfy. But yeah it wasn't such a big surprise that he was Alpha, but he's great in that role. Definately bulked up since Firefly.

The thing with Wiskey was really interesting, and I didn't see it coming. I wonder what will happen to Victor. He plays vunerable so well!
I was totally surprised by the whole Wiskey thing too! I wasn't drawn in at first, but after watching the rest of the season I am afraid I am hooked. I missed the first ep so I still need to find it online so I can see how this all started!
The first episode is not completely relavent. It was not as good as the second and I could have skipped the third. The third was total american style fluff, hot girls in skimpy outfits acting like they're "all that". Ug! Screamed FOX tampering. But most of the other ones are Soooo good!