Doesn't like his food

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Nov 7, 2009
Sacramento, CA
My chins have been in Manna Sho Pro with supplements, but lately one of my boys has not been eating much. I'll watch him pick out all his supplements and leave the rest of the pellets there. I can't quite remember what the supplements are, but I believe one of them is Calf Manna.

At first, I didn't really know what was good for them and didn't know they didn't need supplements so I got food from a local breeder and she suggested adding supplements so I said okay. I got more feed from her without supplements this time, but haven't run out of the first batch I got.

Now, he'll only eat a little bit of the Manna Sho Pro. Should I try switching feeds and see if he'll like that better or just leave him on that and hope that he'll start eating it because he'll be hungry? If I do switch, what would you recommend changing to?
I, too, was told to use Calfmanna with Mazuri when I first started out. Now I'm using PANR and LifeLine, as a supplement. The chins definatly like it better, have put on 10-15% weight, and look much better!
I mix the LifeLine in a paste, letting them eat it off a spoon, and love watching them push each other out of the way, to get more!
He doesn't like the pellets because he's used to eating the suppliments out. He's being picky now since he was used to picking out lots of tasty things out of the pellets- it's like having a plate with broccoli and chocolate. You'll most likely rather eat the chocolate!

I had my chins on MPS and they did not like it, at all. I would give him some more time, however. A chin will not starve itself to death unless there is something wrong with him.

Are you feeding the supplement in the same feeder?I would feed it in a different feeder and at a different time than regular feeding time.Also with a quality feed such as manna pro sho you do not need to supplement.A good rule of thumb,good feed,water,& hay.
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Stacie... does the broccoli have cheese on it? I might take the broccoli if it has cheese...

Supplement should be feed like a treat as Bob was saying, not with the feed. Sounds like a picky chin to me, I'd switch him to the non-supplemented feed.