Shadow's mom
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- Jul 11, 2012
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I got my chinchilla as a present from my uncle in 2005. Anyways, my dad helped set up his cage and that was it. Every day he comes home from work from the garage door which is right in front of my chinchilla's cage and he has never ever once went to say hi. Originally my chinchilla was supposed to my little sister and my present. My sister has NEVER once for 7 years fed him, wanted to play with him, went to him to pet him, said hi to him, or cared the slightest bit. My mom on the other hand has fed him numerous times such as (when I was sick, too tired from studying like it was midnight though usually I always feed him even though its like 2 in the morning), my mom also has cleaned his cage's newspaper when he was living in a 3 story wire cage. She still doesn't pet him, and though she doesn't have problems feeding him, she is scared he will jump out. She will occasionally agree to let my chinchilla around the whole house with the doors closed, and when my chinchilla used to escape in his wire cage, my parents didnt help me catch him but rather my dad making loud noises so he will run out from under the sofa (which i get pissed about). The point is, that for nearly 7 years no one in my family, no one has petted him, loved him, and wanted to play with him! And this is where I don't understand...In 2009, I reallyyy wanted a dog, so I begged for one. After having to give back one sick puppy back to the kennel, I finally got a teacup toy poodle (she was the exact same size of my chinchilla). Well, from the start of getting Millie, my dad even drove 2 hours back to get her because he was at work and the owner had drove to our house and no body was home. It's been 3 years now since I had my dog. My family LOVES my dog. They take her on walks every single day, they take her to hours away dog parks, they throw toys to her, and when my dad gets home, my dog howls and greets him and he always pets her and holds her. My dog sleeps on the sofa, there are no limits for her, she gets every thing and every attention she will ever need. My chinchilla on the other hand is completely ignored by my family which hurts me really bad. May be because he is a rodent, but he is way more than that to me. I know his personality, I was the one that named him the DAY I got him, and I was the one that actually researched about chinchillas, and I was the one that bought everything he ever needed. I have to BEG my parents for treats such as wood sticks! My mom buys my dog can food/fresh pet food EVERY single time and buys her new toys treats from whenever she shops for food. she has so many dog treats. If I tell my parents, I need a new sticks for my chinchilla to chew on, they say he doesn't need it, wasting money, they don't care, blah blah blah. I was 10 years old when I got my chinchilla, and like my family, I didn't know a single thing about them. May be because I am an animal lover and I LOVE animals, I was the only one excited to get him as my present. My sister doesn't give the slightest care in the world if anything happens to him, neither my parents. Btw, all of the rest of my family are carnivores. Just me and Shadow are herbivores which makes our relationship more special.
I just find it really evil that for 7 years, they have never took one minute of their lives just to say hi to my chinchilla, pet him, and get to know his personality. I know him all to well, and I was the one who begged for him to move with us and get him out for the airport security check, etc. I'm the only one who can catch him easily, and Lol when my chinchilla used to escape, when my mom would wake up at like 6 am, and go downstairs and see my chinchilla, she screamed because she thought he was a rat seriously.. I complain to my parents all the time and give them a lots of reasons why they are being rude but they change the topic. They don't love or like my chinchilla which we had for 7 YEARS and have completely shunned/ignored him/acted like he wasn't there or that he was a living breathing animal in the house (besides my mom who goes to the laundry room right next to the cage and 'knows' he's there), but they including my sister absolutely adore/loveeee my dog (that I begged for) I don't think they're true animal lovers just because they love my dog. if I didn't take responsibility for my animal when I just turned 10, and I didn't beg for wooden sticks/toys/food/hay, my chinchilla wouldn't be alive. My uncle owned a chinchilla and LOVED it just like me during his childhood so he wanted to pass the tradition along and i was the only one who glady accepted it. It's really sad because when my chinchilla plays in my room, he hears the rest of my family members voices and he WANTS to run out of the door and have their attention, I can tell. He knows me and that's it. It just makes me sad cause he doesn't get ANY love ever from any of my other family members including my dog.
Btw, I was the one who learned that they need constant air conditioning, and did the research when I got him, and I buy EVERY THING that he needs with my own money besides (pellets and hay like every two months that I beg for and he is well taken care of since I got him BECAUSE of me)
Btw, I was the one who learned that they need constant air conditioning, and did the research when I got him, and I buy EVERY THING that he needs with my own money besides (pellets and hay like every two months that I beg for and he is well taken care of since I got him BECAUSE of me)