Does your family ignore your pet?

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Shadow's mom
Jul 11, 2012
I got my chinchilla as a present from my uncle in 2005. Anyways, my dad helped set up his cage and that was it. Every day he comes home from work from the garage door which is right in front of my chinchilla's cage and he has never ever once went to say hi. Originally my chinchilla was supposed to my little sister and my present. My sister has NEVER once for 7 years fed him, wanted to play with him, went to him to pet him, said hi to him, or cared the slightest bit. My mom on the other hand has fed him numerous times such as (when I was sick, too tired from studying like it was midnight though usually I always feed him even though its like 2 in the morning), my mom also has cleaned his cage's newspaper when he was living in a 3 story wire cage. She still doesn't pet him, and though she doesn't have problems feeding him, she is scared he will jump out. She will occasionally agree to let my chinchilla around the whole house with the doors closed, and when my chinchilla used to escape in his wire cage, my parents didnt help me catch him but rather my dad making loud noises so he will run out from under the sofa (which i get pissed about). The point is, that for nearly 7 years no one in my family, no one has petted him, loved him, and wanted to play with him! And this is where I don't understand...In 2009, I reallyyy wanted a dog, so I begged for one. After having to give back one sick puppy back to the kennel, I finally got a teacup toy poodle (she was the exact same size of my chinchilla). Well, from the start of getting Millie, my dad even drove 2 hours back to get her because he was at work and the owner had drove to our house and no body was home. It's been 3 years now since I had my dog. My family LOVES my dog. They take her on walks every single day, they take her to hours away dog parks, they throw toys to her, and when my dad gets home, my dog howls and greets him and he always pets her and holds her. My dog sleeps on the sofa, there are no limits for her, she gets every thing and every attention she will ever need. My chinchilla on the other hand is completely ignored by my family which hurts me really bad. May be because he is a rodent, but he is way more than that to me. I know his personality, I was the one that named him the DAY I got him, and I was the one that actually researched about chinchillas, and I was the one that bought everything he ever needed. I have to BEG my parents for treats such as wood sticks! My mom buys my dog can food/fresh pet food EVERY single time and buys her new toys treats from whenever she shops for food. she has so many dog treats. If I tell my parents, I need a new sticks for my chinchilla to chew on, they say he doesn't need it, wasting money, they don't care, blah blah blah. I was 10 years old when I got my chinchilla, and like my family, I didn't know a single thing about them. May be because I am an animal lover and I LOVE animals, I was the only one excited to get him as my present. My sister doesn't give the slightest care in the world if anything happens to him, neither my parents. Btw, all of the rest of my family are carnivores. Just me and Shadow are herbivores which makes our relationship more special. :) I just find it really evil that for 7 years, they have never took one minute of their lives just to say hi to my chinchilla, pet him, and get to know his personality. I know him all to well, and I was the one who begged for him to move with us and get him out for the airport security check, etc. I'm the only one who can catch him easily, and Lol when my chinchilla used to escape, when my mom would wake up at like 6 am, and go downstairs and see my chinchilla, she screamed because she thought he was a rat seriously.. I complain to my parents all the time and give them a lots of reasons why they are being rude but they change the topic. They don't love or like my chinchilla which we had for 7 YEARS and have completely shunned/ignored him/acted like he wasn't there or that he was a living breathing animal in the house (besides my mom who goes to the laundry room right next to the cage and 'knows' he's there), but they including my sister absolutely adore/loveeee my dog (that I begged for) I don't think they're true animal lovers just because they love my dog. if I didn't take responsibility for my animal when I just turned 10, and I didn't beg for wooden sticks/toys/food/hay, my chinchilla wouldn't be alive. My uncle owned a chinchilla and LOVED it just like me during his childhood so he wanted to pass the tradition along and i was the only one who glady accepted it. It's really sad because when my chinchilla plays in my room, he hears the rest of my family members voices and he WANTS to run out of the door and have their attention, I can tell. He knows me and that's it. It just makes me sad cause he doesn't get ANY love ever from any of my other family members including my dog.

Btw, I was the one who learned that they need constant air conditioning, and did the research when I got him, and I buy EVERY THING that he needs with my own money besides (pellets and hay like every two months that I beg for and he is well taken care of since I got him BECAUSE of me)
Maybe the others are just more of a dog person/people. I have 9 chinchillas, 2 degus, and 4 dogs...of my own.
My parents help with my dogs when I'm not home.
My dad will go play with the chins and degu girls sometimes. My mom will pet the chins and degus only if I bring them in the room where she is; she won't go in their room.

My sister could care less about them unless she needs money and wants to clean cages for me, haha.

But, I mean, maybe its better that your chin just bonds with you. For you and him. :)

My dad isn't much of a pet person at all, but he deals with him. He says my dogs are annoying all the time, because they each have their own personalities and are just weird. They aren't like my moms 12 year old dog, they are loud and hyper. But, I mean, if they are helping with the dog and interacting with the dog, just means you'll have to give the chinnie all the lovin he needs. ;)
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I can understand some people have their personal preferences. Some just like animals that sit on their lap and can play with them. Chins are just different. I think your chin is happy to have your attention. :) that's what matters, it wld be worst if he was neglected. Which is not the case. :)
I love my chins and everyday they make me say oohs and awws. My oldest son is the same. While my youngst and my husband does care much of my chins. I don't expect them to because I got this chins for me. Not for them.
My husband is not real fond of my chins but he knows they make me happy so he helps me make shelves for them and when I'm upset about them he is always there to support me. He will let me say Oh Look how cute he/she is and pretend he is but he probably doesn't even know their names and never pets them. He did when I got my first chin. He actually gave him to me for christmas one year. :) Very recently he got me and the chins a He got sick of fixing the Vacuum. :p
My daughter will tell you she Hates the chins but every once in a while she will ask me if she can play with one. :) She just doesn't pick them up right and they wiggle and sometimes nips her. That's why she *hates* them. Chins just aren't a good pet for her.

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Here the animals are a huge part of our lives with the world revolving around them most of the time. No one ever gets ignored by anyone here! It's mandatory that all the animals are given time and attention. That includes my husband, but he loves everyone so it's not a big deal.

We are taking care of guinea pigs for a little while until we can get them to the rescue people in Phoenix. They've sort of gotten us a little attached to them...
I wouldn't take your family's indifference too personally. Just take solace in the fact that with you alone providing exceptional care, your chinnie is getting. The best care that he can get. :thumbsup:

I know how you feel. I have a small menagerie, and while my husband helps me when I ask him too, it's pretty much just me who provides care for everyone. Which only really presents itself as a problem if I were to happen to go on vacation or even just go away for a couple of days... But luckily for me, I have friends who are also animal lovers who are more than willing to help out when my family comes up with their lame excuses.:)
My mom is the only one who likes my chins as much as me. She has bought alot for my chins, including my girl's flying saucer. My dad is pretty indifferent to my chins, but does cut wood for me so I can make stuff for them. My mom had her own chin at one point but gave him to me as a cage mate for my other chin after his cage mate passed away.

My parents have helped me out alot with my vet bills for my dog's. When my dog was diagnosed with cancer my parents helped me pay her $2000 vet bill. Both of my parents cried when we had to have her put down. We had had her for 13 years.
As much as we hate to admit it,not everyone shares our love and interests in the same things. I have always been a "critter person" and love to read and learn all about animals. The only reason I decided to go into nursing instead of vet med is because even twenty years ago I knew that both expense and technology limited what I would be able to do to help animals. I just couldn't bear the thought of having to euthanize an animal due to unaffordable expense for treatment to an owner. Yes that is reality.As much as I love animals, I also know that costs can be prohibitive for certain illness/injuries in pets. Even I have certain animals that I just don't care for- reptiles,snakes,so so on fish, and I even have a little hang up with hairless tails(rats,oppossums,etc.). I will literally become "human velcro" (every hair on my body will stand on end) when I see snakes and lizards(aka snakes with legs)! I respect those who love them and say they make wonderful pets,but no way for me!My parents always absolutely loved our canine pets,tolerated my kitties and other pet rabbits/piggers/hamsters but didn't really take care of them. I was only able to have those pets as I grew old enough and responsible enough to care for them. I love my chinnies and my older 54yo sister is scared to death of them and my g-piggies. She says they are all "rats"! I just laugh and tell her "excuse me but they are exotic rodents with heavenly fur and wonderfully talkative(piggers) and entertaining".The only thing that I have learned in my 45 years is that I will not get along with anyone who is a complete animal hater. It always ends up that we will have totally different morales,values.beliefs.and ideas.I also keep a close eye on anyone that my animals show immediate dislike or unusual fear of(other than the vet of course).These creatures that God has placed under our care are pretty good judges of character!