does this sound right?

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
I just spoke to my vet and she told me that she has some feelings on why gizmo has been having digestive problems the past month or so. She thinks it may be something dietary. She said that I may be giving him too many pellets. Usually i just fill the dish and let him eat whenever. She told me to only feed him about a teaspoon of pellets daily. But if he starts loosing weight than to increase it to a tablespoon. Is this right?? Also to give him lots of hay but not too much that he wont eat it all in one sitting.. The poor thing will think im trying to starve him.
Also, she told me to start giving him leafy greens, such as the lettuce in a sping mix and the tops greens of carrots every day so he can get the proper nutrient. He doesnt really like them much. I was told alot of greens can make them bloated. ....any suggestions ? how much pellets and hay do you feed daily?
I free feed both hay and pellets. I dont like limiting either. But that is just MY opinion. I also do not like adding leafy greens to any chins diet, but again my opinion. Especially if the chin is having GI issues, why add new things. I think you should add a supplement like ryersons once a week or so.

Do you use a probiotic on oats? I do 2 times a week to keep the chins belly in tip top shape.
I'm not familiar with what is wrong with Gizmo, but depending on the situation I would not limit pellets. Especially to a teaspoon, that is hardly anything!

Chins should always have free amounts of hay, it's important to get the fiber.

And greens only adds more problem to the mix, it can cause bloat, and it is not something I would give a chin who is already having digestive issues.

I agree with giving probiotics. Those you can get at health food stores in capsules that you break open and sprinkle on the food. You want ones with bacteria counts in the billions.
Ditto on all.
The only other thing I add is lifeline & a pinch of organic herbs like nettle & rasberry leaf a few times a week.
I do not believe chins will gorge themselves. maybe try differnt kinds of hay. some wonderful person on here sent me lots of different types of hay to try & i found that my boys like blue grass & mountain grass in addition to the timothy, alfalfa and oat grass. i also will a few times a week give them hay cubes too in either alfalfa or timothy. they like the different texture & helps with chewing.
Same here.

No leafy greens it will cause more GI issues

lots of hay and as many pellets as they want.
Thanks for the suggestions! My vet told me that the leafy greens would give him the proper nutrients so a probiotic wouldnt be starting to wonder about her.....
Probiotics, needed or not are a wonderful peace of mind for me. I know they get what they need from feed, but I like to give it to them, just to help keep them as healthy as I can.
in your opinion , what is the best kind of probiotic you can use? and how often do you give it?