Does anyone use baby monitors with their hedgehogs?

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... and the Dynamic Duo!
Jan 29, 2009
Edmonton, AB
Adam and I are moving out on April 1 and the hogs are getting their own room! However, I'm a nervous mom and completely used to having them in MY room all the time, so I can always hear them. I figured a baby monitor would help ease my worries... but I'm not sure what brand is best or if it would even work.

Does anyone here use a baby monitor to listen in on their hogs throughout the night to make sure there are no weird noises or anything? If so, what brand do you use and how does it work?
I was actually wondering the same thing not too long ago. I have a 'hedgie room' too and was thinking that something like that would be useful.

So....can't help you here, but thanks for posting this :)
Yes, I use baby monitors and also a wireless infrared camera on my expectant moms and baby cages. For moms and babies the camera is wonderful because I can watch from any TV

I used to use a monitor for the others but it gets annoying as all monitors seem to hiss and they do often pick up other monitors cell phones or cordless phones. I've used many different types and the ones that seem to work the best are the old ones. Initially I used the Fischer Price one from when my girls were babies and when it packed it in I bought this one new but with only 1 receiver. Works but picks up lots of static and limited range.

I got this one at a yard sale. Works ok but hisses.

I've had a couple of others from yard sales and the best is an oldie. I'll check the makes on the others when I'm in the hedgie room next time.

The best is the security camera. It's made by NexTech and plug into any tv. The only time it has an issue is if I have the receiver too close to the wireless router and then the image flickers every time hubby goes to a different page. lol

The best place to research monitors is baby forums and websites.
How do you stand them being in your room?
Spiny wheels like a maniac and makes a whole lot of noise unrelated to his wheel, especially at night!
At one point in time before they got their own room, we had 9 in the bedroom. I loved it and if someone didn't wheel at night, I woke up knowing something wasn't right. I knew by the wheel sounds who was up and who wasn't and I could turn on the bedside light on low and watch them. With 9, if they all pooped at the same time it was getting a bit overwhelming which is when they moved, well actually we moved and they got our bedroom. I really missed them when we moved and did worry about them. I've never felt since then that I truly know any of them quite as well as I did the first 9. lol

I still have rescues in the bedroom for quarantine and the first few nights they bother me but after that I don't even realize they are there which is rather amazing as the rescues almost always end up with comfort wheels. :laugh2:
At one point in time before they got their own room, we had 9 in the bedroom. I loved it and if someone didn't wheel at night, I woke up knowing something wasn't right. I knew by the wheel sounds who was up and who wasn't and I could turn on the bedside light on low and watch them. With 9, if they all pooped at the same time it was getting a bit overwhelming which is when they moved, well actually we moved and they got our bedroom. I really missed them when we moved and did worry about them. I've never felt since then that I truly know any of them quite as well as I did the first 9. lol

haha, now there is a person who loves her hogs ;)

I have 6 hedgies in my room for a while and I was the same way with the wheels. I could tell who ways wheeling by the noises, lol.
I have both of my boys in my room...They currently both have comfort wheels for lack of funding to buy them the silent spinners that I am saving up for. I personally can sleep with them running. In fact I know the moment something is wrong. When I spend the night at my parents or my husbands parents I CAN NOT sleep because it is to quite. But we are moving at the end of the week and I am also worried about them not being in my room anymore. Good thing my parents still have my old baby monitors! That is such a good idea
How do you stand them being in your room?
Spiny wheels like a maniac and makes a whole lot of noise unrelated to his wheel, especially at night!

It's easy! I love listening to them. I'm so used to their noises that I can't get a proper sleep unless I hear wheels, snorting or the occasional THUD HISS when a hedgehog slides off their wheel. I'm a pretty light sleeper, so the smallest unusual noise will have me waking up - that's how I figured out Kismet was puking when she was ill, or how I knew Cuda was choking that one time. My body is so used to the normal noises that I filter them out - it's the odd noises that have me sitting up like a shot. I know each one by the sounds they make when they're playing, eating or running... and it's comforting for me to hear them at night.
I am planning on doing something like this when I move into my boyfriend's place. The hedgies will get their own room but I still want to be able to check on them.

On a side note, I think I've been spending too much time thinking about reptiles lately... when I read the title of this thread I thought "OMG! A monitor would totally eat a hedgie!" :wacko:
I have to ask Courtney-Will my little angel Kismet still get her Saturday morning snuggle time with in bed with Mommy?????????
I have to ask Courtney-Will my little angel Kismet still get her Saturday morning snuggle time with in bed with Mommy?????????

Of course! I already told Adam that he'd have a very grumpy hedgehog to contend with if he vetoed Saturday morning cuddles. As it stands now, Kismet glares each time the phone rings or my alarm goes off. hehe.
Heehee... I was figuring to do the same thing. Right now, though hedgie is one room away, I can hear the pitter patter of her feet on the wheel at night. But soon, we'll be on different floors. Hedgiedaddy suggested we get a baby monitor... Good hedgiedaddy :)

A follow-up question: any recommendations on what monitors might be good (or warnings on what doesn't work well) for hearing those little feet?
How do you stand them being in your room?
Spiny wheels like a maniac and makes a whole lot of noise unrelated to his wheel, especially at night!

me too. I once needed to put Litchi in my room because they where re-doing the bathroom and the"exhaust" to take the fumes out was goin through the patio door of the living room and since it was half open it was way too cool. I didn't sleep that night, I just heard Litchi beeing franting in her wheel. Heck, I can hear her from the living room in my bedroom!