Does anyone micro-loan through

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Deer Park, WA
I first heard of Kiva on Oprah or some show like that and thought was a great idea. I've visited the site a few times just to look around.

Well, I got paid today and was browsing on Kiva. I finally signed up and made my first $25 loan to Cesar from Tarma, Peru! I liked reading Cesar's story. He's not asking for much (money for fertilizer). I don't know why, but I'm very excited and happy to help, even if its just a tiny amount.

So, has anyone else given a micro-loan through Kiva?
I have a friend who does it all the time and loves it. I keep meaning to look at the site, but can't ever remember.
I got paid today and was browsing on Kiva. I finally signed up and made my first $25 loan to Cesar from Tarma, Peru! He's not asking for much (money for fertilizer).
Naw, I'm not buying it. How could anyone in Peru need fertilizer with all those wild chins running around pooping. :neener: LOL J/K. That's really cool Allison
Unless they grow hay - just the opposite would be true! haha
I donate 100 dollars a month to someone asking for a 12 month loan. That way, assuming the people I loan to make payments properly, I will have 1200 dollars cycling through by the end of the year. Every month I will get 100 dollars back that I can then re-invest in another individual.