Does anyone else have hogs who adopt strange pooping stances?

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... and the Dynamic Duo!
Jan 29, 2009
Edmonton, AB
I know, funny question. I don't normally make a point to watch my hedgehogs poop, but I walked in on Kismet tonight and had to promptly leave because I nearly burst out laughing and didn't want to disturb her.

The silly girl had her head on the ground, her front paws stretched straight out and her hind end in the air - kind of like that "play with me" stance that dogs have. She wasn't straining, the poop wasn't an unusual color and it didn't appear to be harder than normal - it was just a shock for me to walk in and find her like that.

Anyone else notice weird quirks that their hog has, either bathroom or otherwise?
Too funny about Kismet.

I think my little one is typical: she stands up tall, makes pointy butt, shows tail, then poop, poop, poop. She also has adopted a rather wide-legged pee-pee stance.

She's super cute when she stretches out and does her Superman stance :)
Yep. My personal favourite to watch is butt shoved against the corner and keep pushing backward until butt and feet are in the air. Pooping 3-4 inches up the wall was a common pass time for both Freckles and Smokey. :hilarious: No clue why those two chose to poop that way. Freckles was a tiny little guy and Smokey a big fluffy boy so hoisting his butt up the wall could not have been easy. shrug
Tell Kismet I'm sorry but that made me laugh really hard! I can just picture it. Phoebe poops almost exclusively on her wheel while running at top speed, so she doesn't really have a stance. Ronnie stands up as tall as she can all all four legs, she sort of arches her back so she looks like a mushroom, the tail pops out, and the poop follows. When she pees she gets all four legs as far apart as possible. Neither position looks very comfortable, but that's hedgies for you! :rofl:

You know, Nancy, I used to find poop several inches up the wall in Irwin's cage when he was still alive. I could never figure out how it got there... but now I know! He was a funny little monkey. :hilarious: *Edit* I just thought of something - maybe its a male thing, like they're marking their territory. Do hedgies do that?
Aero used to poop and pee all funny too. Before he got used to being out of the cage with out pooping you would know he was about to go because he would get into his stance. It gave you enough notice that he was going to poop on you and there was nothing you can do about it. Lol