When my ex and I brought our first chin home, we opted to wait until we knew Cervantes better to decide whether he'd do well with a friend. We tried it about a year later, because like your guy he seemed to want more attention than we were giving him, and they are herd/family group animals in nature. He and Crash did all right, but as time went on, Cervantes got more territorial and controlling, so when my ex and I split, so did the chins. We were prepared, had a spare cage and everything, but Crash went through a sort of withdrawal period where he was clearly depressed to be without a buddy, in spite of always being overgroomed and chased away from the hay when he lived with Cervantes. I felt (and still feel) badly that he's been so lonely, but even though I've got two more guys coming to live with us in a week or two, there's a chance that Crash will be a singleton for the next 15 years. If he doesn't get along with Oasis and YouBe, and the three are together when the fight starts, it can be enough to break up an entire group, which means 3 cages, 3 play times, 3 of everything... (But since YouBe and Oasis were introduced after a pretty bad fight and are very chill, I'm hopeful that Crash will relax into their group in a similar way.)
An additional chin is always a risk, and some chins do better as singletons. If you haven't had your guy long, I think it's worth waiting to see what his personality is like before adding another very distinct personality to your family. I plan for pets like normal people plan for children, though, because my pets are the closest to children that I'll ever have, so ymmv.