Do the notice when we are hurting?

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
I will start by saying I am fine..but have had a not too good week. Wednesday I took a fall at work..flat on my face. For real. One minute I am walking across the room, the next I am face down on the floor. An afternoon spent in ED later, I came home with a rather giant shiner, nd very bruised ego.
That night, I took Trixie out for her run. She spent a lot of time um on my chest and shoulder...peering at my face. Nuzzling around my eye and being very curious about the state of my face...eye closed, and swollen all on one side. Do you think she noticed I looked different, or am I giving her too much creit for noticing such things.
What is their vision we really know? Can they see color?
They're just very perceptive. They know when you are feeling bad or hurting...they pick up on it right away. If I am depressed or upset, the chins are very quiet and very clingy. I love chins because they are like that! They're very good therapy. :)
Chinchilla eyes do not have cones, just rods, (as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong), which means they cannot see color. But they can certainly see a swollen eye and, in my opinion, tell if something is wrong. My chinchilla, Izzie, will come and sit with me and nuzzle me when I'm having a rough day, too :) It's so nice that you're chin seems to empathize with you.
all animals, i believe, can sense when we're upset and want to make us feel better :)

my mom recently quit her job that she was at for 15 years and she's been home a lot and not necessarily in the best mood so sometimes she'll go into the chin room and sit with them just to make her feel better! also, my grandfather passed away last week (not trying to make anyone feel bad, he was 85 and lived a very good life and i'm ok :)) and when i went in to see my boys, both of them were staying near me the entire playtime making sure I was okay. i agree with Susan, chins are fantastic therapy! :thumbsup:
I think you are all right. I have noticed that Triie is staying around me a lot more over these last few days since I fell. I have taken her out every evening,,and she has spent much time sitting in my chair with me..either in the back of my chair or on my shoulder. Kind of cute.
thats why animals are so amazing. they love you unconditionally and will be there for you through your hardest of times :)
I think I shared this before,

My grandma and mother were talking about my deceased grandfather.
I didn't want they caught my with watery eyes so I went to see the chin.
She let me grab and stroke her (which she never does normally)

So yeah chins do know how you feel :)