do NOT put things ON the cage!

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Do the chinny shuffle!
Jan 29, 2009
I had something on top of Fuzzers cage! ::) I put it there last night, and I look in the cage in his hammock that runs the top of his cage and here is what I find....



The ENTIRE willow cube that was like 4x4! How on earth did he do that ALL night and get it in there!!

Ha! for one night. Mind you, this was in his cage for a few days and he hardly touched it, but put it on his cage, where he thinks he cant have it, then he wants it!

Typical baby!
If he had been in your room you would have definitely heard it lol!!!! Fuzzer's! you silly boy!
OMG Tara! My eyes are playing tricks on me :wacko: I totally looked past the twigs and thought you left a piece of pizza (I know, I'm goofy) on top of the cage and he got to it. What's that triangle thing in the hammock to the right of the twigs? Oh geez, I think I need glasses!
Nice job Fuzzers! Silly boy. Chinnies never cease to crack me up.