Do I need metal pans for an FN 142 if I have fleece liners?

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Cuddling Extraordinaire
Oct 20, 2009
I'm getting a 142 in Sep. and need to know if I need metal pans in there'll be liners in the cage?
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The metal pans are also a lot nicer to clean and work with than the molded plastic ones that come stock with it.

I sold all the ledges, pans and ramps from my two FN-142's on Craigslist to someone who doesn't have chins in their cages.
If you decide to keep the plastic pans, I would get fleece liners that act as a "pillow case" rather than just sit in the pan. With those types of liners, you can slip the plastic pan inside the liner so the chins can't get to them.

I was using a fleece liner over a plastic pan until my bass pan came in the chin pulled the fleece over and started chewing on the pan, and he actually got an impaction in his intestines by the plastic that he ingested. Thankfully he was okay.