do i add another chinchilla ? help

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New member
Mar 30, 2011
I have had my two chinchillas for almost six years now, one of them has had eye issues [teary eyed] and the other wasn't eating/teeth issues; i took both of them to the vet and go medication. This was the first time that they have gotten sick; even though i thought they were doing well, the littlest one [she had the eating problem/teeth issue] was doing alright last night she has been taking her medicine very well but i went to check on them this morning [a week after our vet visit] and she had passed away. I am a little unsure of what to do next: do i try to introduce another chinchilla or should i leave her by herself? They were sisters and always together its hard now that she is alone, and the vet even said to try and introduce a different chinchilla to help the loneliness.. any ideas?

Greatly Appreciated

I am so very sorry for your loss. Personally right now I would be spending extra time with your girl and get her into great shape before getting another. Any new chinchilla would need to be quarantined for 30 days and if your chinchilla still has watery eyes she needs to be well for introductions. Also the stress involved with getting to know a new cage mate could lower the immune systems of both chinchillas. So love and spend as much time with your mourning girl and when she feels better than think about another cage mate.
I would only introduce a new chinchilla if YOU want a new chinchilla. If you do get a new chinchilla you wouldn't be able to put them together immediately. After the 1 month quarantine there is no guarantee your current chinchilla will accept the new chinchilla so you have to be ready for 2 sets of everything. Cages, food, waterbottles, dustbaths, playtime. . .

If she seems lonely I would try a fleece cuddle buddy. My single chin likes his.
I'm so sorry that happened, you must be devastated.

I was in your exact same boat about a year ago. My surviving chin was so lonely and depressed I decided to get him a new friend, for his sake but also for my sake because I was grieving so much. Too bad "he" turned out to be a "she" and I ended up with babies and having to separate them. So my original chin is back to being alone, and I think he's okay with it. Do what you think is best, just know you might end up like me with every chin in a separate cage because no one gets along.