Do chins smile?

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
New York
I swear one of my girls looks like she's smiling when she's mellow and happy. The other two, not so much. I've had dogs who absolutely grin, but does anybody think their chinnies do it, too?
Rufus winks at me all the time! I figured he was just trying to be cute, but maybe that's his way of smiling ;)
You know I think to answer this you would have to know if they have the required facial muscles in order to smile... And I kind of wonder either way if they would recognize it as an expression of happiness or if we are just personifying them...
Not to say chins don't feel but they certainly express things with body language differently... For example some animals might mistake a toothy smile for 'omg that big human is showing its teeth at me...*fight or flight*'
I do think they can express what they feel through body language but I wonder if we take the other body language cues such as the great expression with their eyes and over all body position, rate of breathing and sounds they make form an idea of how they feel and then add other features that we think we see on them that we would commonly see going hand and hand with the feeling a human expresses..such as happiness and smiles

I know my little girl has both smiled and winked at me on countless occassions. (i.e. cleaning her cage, giving her a favorite treat or letting her out for some good play time) :) I love knowing I have a very happy chin.
xD that picture is too much cute. That is very much the same face Amp makes after chin scritches, I love it.